If you’ve ever felt like September is a great month for you, it’s probably because it’s written in the stars. Okay, the return of Grey’s Anatomy and pumpkin spice lattes may have a little something to do with it too, but September’s magic also comes from the stars. What I mean by that is, it’s a good month for almost all zodiac signs.
In this particular year, September started with Mercury in retrograde (yuck). We all know Mercury in retrograde can mean miscommunications and some overall low feelings. Luckily, Mercury in retrograde ended on September 5th, meaning you’ve started to feel the effects of Mercury in retrograde lift in the beginning of the month.
September starts as Virgo season, meaning there’s much emphasis on work and career. Making strides in your workplace should come easy this month. September transitions into Libra season by the end of the month, putting the emphasis on beauty and relationships. The Libra is also known as the sign of diplomacy and balance. That said, if you feel like a workaholic in the beginning of the month, the end of the month should bring a better work/life balance to your life.
Below we have all your specific horoscopes for September 2017. May this be your best September yet, ladies.
24Virgo: Don’t Let Mercury Slow You Down
As September kicks off, it’s still very much Virgo season, so happy birthday! Try to put your work down for once and go celebrate with friends, Virgo. Though, you may not be feeling like your normal self, as your planetary ruler – Mercury – is in retrograde. Damn you, Mercury in retrograde. This may drain you of energy and even make you feel insecure.
If you are stuck trying to shake these feelings, be mindful of the new moon on September 20th, which brings a clean slate to your life. If you’re still stuck in the rut of feeling sluggish and insecure, indulge in some self-care around the 20th. Whether it’s reading a book, taking a yoga class, or doing a face mask, do something indulgent that will help you reset and end the month on a positive note.
23Virgo Love Horoscope: Get Ready For Mars
While you may be in a funk from Mercury in retrograde, that doesn’t stop you from thriving in your romances. Every two years, Mars passes through Virgo. Mars is aggressive. The planet symbolizes fiery ambition and fiery sexuality. When Mars enters Virgo on September 5th, you may feel a blast of heat. So go get ‘em, girl! If you’re in a relationship, use the time to keep things spicy. If you’re single, use this time to make some new connections. Mars will be sticking around until October 22nd, then he’s gone for another two years, so take advantage of this energy.
Once the new moon hits your sign on September 20th, paired with Mars, you’ll be feeling better, hotter and more ambitious than ever.
22Libra: It’s A, Uh, Confusing Month
Libra, get ready for Libra season! At the end of the month, Libra season kicks off, so happy birthday!
Before Libra season though, it’s still Virgo season. Virgo season can make you feel a little bit off. You’re generally a very friendly and social sign, but during Virgo season, you may crave alone time. Don’t fight this need for alone time. Instead, embrace it during Virgo season in the beginning of the month. Take this time to connect to yourself before your birthday celebrations begin.
By the end of the month, you may feel a slight confusion, as your planetary ruler – Venus – opposes Neptune. This can make you feel… just confused, quite frankly. Do you want those leather bootie, that pumpkin spice latte, that new job? You don’t know! If you feel confused, hold off on major decisions until October.
21Libra Love Horoscope: You’ll Be Flirty, Then Not So Flirty
We all know that Mercury in retrograde means some loopy things in communications. However, your love life keeps it light and fun. Until the 19th, you should feel playful and flirty. If you’re in a relationship, take this time to reconnect with your guy, since we can all sometimes forget to keep things fun and flirty when we’re in a committed relationship. If you’re single, get out there. Harness that playful, flirty energy and meet some new people. Hey, you never know how things could end up!
You should especially enjoy this fun energy, since the 19th will see you zapped of such energy until October 14th. You’ll suddenly be more introverted and not interested in connecting with your partner. Take this time to connect with yourself, so when October 14th rolls around you’ll be a better person.
20Scorpio: You’ll Feel All The Feels
Scorpio, September may start with you feel antsy. You are motivated for change in some aspect of your life – be in health, career, or your living space. Whatever it may be, don’t make a change too quickly. Mercury is in retrograde until September 5th, which means miscommunication may occur. It’s an especially bad time to sign contracts of any kind. If you’re looking to sign a new lease, a gym membership, or take a new jobs, it’s best to wait until after September 5th because of that sneaky Mercury.
On the 6th, a full moon is in Pisces, which is also a water sign. This will make you feel creative, romantic, and emotional. Yes, Scorpios are secretive by nature, but this illumination on your gentler aspects may prove to be a good time to open up.
With this illumination on your emotions, Libra season will be a great time for you to get more introspective. During the end of the month, try mediation, a dream journal, or anything that’s a bit more introspective.
19Scorpio Love Horoscope: Your Gut Knows What’s Up
Scorpio, you’re a sign that is generally rich in romance, and that is especially the case this month. You’ll also feel very connected to your instincts this month. If you’re in a relationship, listen to those instincts. If it’s been rocky lately, you’ll likely know if the relationship is worth saving this month. If it hasn’t been rocky, you’ll feel a magnetic pull towards that partner. If you’re single, these instincts will come in handy with meeting new people. You’ll be able to tell right off the bat if someone if worth getting to know or not.
While you should always trust your gut, you should especially trust your gut this month, Scorpio.
18Sagittarius: Something Big Is Coming
Sagittarius, you’re probably thankful the summer is over. I mean, it was a tough summer. Between information received during the eclipse and Mercury in retrograde, you’ve been wrestling with some difficulties in life. However, September will bring smoother times into your life. Mercury in retrograde ends on September 5th, which thank god! On September 5th, Mars also enters Virgo, which will bring a rush of work related energy to you. Suddenly, you’ll feel like you can accomplish anything and you’ll have very high ambitions for yourself. Embrace this energy to push yourself towards work goals.
On September 20th, the Virgo will experience a new moon, which will – again – push you in your career. Because new moons represent a restart, this is a good time to start a new project or start a job search. The end of the month will bring a final decision on something long-coming. Whether it’s a ending a relationship, starting a new job, or getting a new apartment, look forward to a new beginning or being freed of something that was holding you back.
17Sagittarius Love Horoscope: It’s Time For Decisions
Don’t worry, Sagittarius, it’s not ALL work in September. On September 6th, a full moon is in Pisces, which will bring your home, family, and relationships to the forefront. Full moons are a time to let go of the past, whether it be wounds or grudges. Take this time to let go of something emotionally holding you back in one of your relationships, be it friendly or romantic.
The middle of the month will bring fun, playful energy to your romances, so try something kinky and new. If you’ve been in-between in a relationship – either trying to decide to end something or officially begin something – the end of the month could see the final decision.
16Capricorn: Shake Off That Funk With New Hair
Capricorn, you have been in a funk. Though, it’s really not your fault. Damn Mercury in retrograde has been making things difficult for you. Everything should start feeling back to normal by the middle of the month. This is time to address issues that have been bothering you since July. Yes, you’ve been in this funk since JULY. So, shake it off, girl.
You’ll especially be drawn towards self-expression and transformation this month. If you’ve been thinking of changing your hair in a dramatic way, this could be the month to do so, as it’ll fulfill your need for self-expression AND transformation. With a new moon in Virgo, you may also feel a surge of self-expression and transformation in the work place. Embrace this and you’ll make some serious strides career-wise.
15Capricorn Love Horoscope: Get That Money, Honey
Capricorn, September brings up some fortunes in your love life. If you are in a relationship, this could be in the literal sense, with your man earning some extra money or falling into some extra cash somehow. Whatever it may be, it will result in a special moment in your relationship, be it a nice night out, a special gift, or a big purchase together. It’ll symbolize a big moment in the relationship. If you are single, this fortune could come in the form of a new bae who is into wining and dining you, in which case, YAAASS.
Later in the month, the 25th will be a difficult day for communications. Avoid having any big, important relationship conversations that day.
14Aquarius: It’s Time For The Past And The Future
Unlike many of the other signs, your month starts off with a bang. Yes, Mercury is in retrograde, so that sucks. But also, Mars makes a connection with Uranus – your planetary rulers – which brings about a fearless ambition. Just be aware that this ambition will occur while Mercury is in retrograde so you may have to battle miscommunications.
This month, you will find yourself worrying about financial and emotional security. You’ll be worrying about the future. That said, it’s also a good time to let go of the past, as a new moon is in Virgo. A new moon is a nice reset. With that said, it’s a good time to pay debts or to make amends with an ex. Whatever it is from your past that could effect your future, deal with it now before it becomes too late.
13Aquarius Love Horoscope: Don’t Push Things Forward
Aquarius, like I said, it’s time to think about your future emotional security. That said, try not to let this worry eat you up. Worrying about your future emotional security may make you push a relationship forward too quickly, which can backfire. Yes, you may want to advance the relationship, but don’t do it before it’s time. You especially want to avoid difficult conversation on the 25th, when all the signs will find communication difficult. Instead, wait until the 29th to have big relationship conversations, as you’ll feel especially harmonious on this day and conversation may yield better results.
12Pisces: Get Ready To Feel Feelings
Pisces, get ready to feel some feelings. I mean, you always feel feelings, but you’ll be feeling that A LOT in September.
September will particularly be all about relationships for you. Even in your career space, importance will be placed on partnerships and contacts. You may find that people are more aggressive this month, which is something you generally shy away from. Yes, your first instinct may be to avoid this aggression, but it’s better if you face things head on, as letting things linger will led to bigger issues down the road.
Thankfully, Venus enters Virgo on September 19th, at which point you’ll find people are a little less aggressive and more emotional. This is probably music to your ears, right? Ah, Pisces, you’re such a sweet, emotional soul.
11Pisces Love Horoscope: Things Get Hot At The End Of The Month
Pisces, I said you’d be feeling feelings. This applies to your relationships as well.
If you’re feeling some funky feelings, stick whatever it is out until the 19th. On the 19th, people will turn kinder and gentler, to which you respond well. This is followed by a new moon in Virgo on September, which symbolizes a new start. If you have felt difficult times in a relationship, look at the 20th as a time to restart the relationship. Forget about past wounds and difficulties, and embrace as a clean slate in the relationship.
The end of the month will be a good time for intimacy and bedroom fun. So clear up that weirdness in the relationship and celebrate in the bedroom.
10Aries: It’s All About Work And Working Out
Aries, the month starts in Virgo season. This is good news for the ambitious Aries. You love being hard at work, so enjoy this extra burst of work energy. And yes, this energy will be halted by Mercury in retrograde, but that won’t last long. After the 6th, you’ll find that the confusion and frustration of Mercury in retrograde is gone.
The new moon in Virgo on the 20th will symbolize a new start, especially concerning your body. Because Virgo is an earth sign, you’ll feel the need to connect with your body in a new way. Try a new workout class or treat yourself to something luxurious you don’t do often. You may start feeling itchy for a big change this month, but hold off until the 27th, when a big change could yield some lovely surprises.
9Aries Love Horoscope: Don’t Forget About Love
Aries, you sometimes have trouble in relationships since you can be a loner. Though, you can also be the life of the party too. It’s likely that you probably want to stay in and watch Netflix, but your friends are constantly begging you to come out.
Due to the emphasis on your career ambition and your body this month, your relationships may be on backburner. But don’t go full-loner and completely forget about your relationships. Yes, you can sometimes put your head down and be work, work, work, but don’t forget about getting some lovin’.
By the end of the month, you’ll likely experience an exciting twist in your love life, either a surprise from your partner or maybe a guy who wants to make the relationship official.
8Taurus: You’ll Be A Super Homebody This Month
Taurus, this month starts in Virgo season. Like you, the Virgo is an earth sign. This means you will feel more grounded and responsible than usual. You’ll be even more of a homebody than usual. On Friday nights, the best plans for you will be staying at home, doing laundry, and binge-watching a new show. Try not to fall into too much of a rut during the beginning of the month. On the 20th, a new moon in Virgo brings a clean slate. Use the time to start a new project at home, as you’ll be feel very creative.
By the 29th, you’ll finally feel like getting out of the house again and it’s not just because you probably finished binge-watching whatever show it was you started. No, you’ll be feeling a genuine surge of social energy, so plan a fun night out on the town.
7Taurus Love Horoscope: Home Is Where The Heart Is
Taurus, you’ll be spending a lot of time at home in September. If you’re in a relationship and living with your partner, take this time to also connect with them. Maybe start binge-watching a show together or do a fun project around the house together. I mean, just because you’re staying at home doesn’t mean you can’t be social with the person you live with. If you’re single, you may not be too up to meeting people in the beginning of the month. That fine, as you can work on some self-love. Try journaling or treating yourself to some facemasks.
September 18th will have you feeling romantic again, so get back out there, you single Taurus!
6Gemini: It’s A Rough Start, But Ends Well
Gemini, you are going to be feeling itchy in the beginning of the month. Not only is Mercury in retrograde, but it’s also Virgo season. Virgo is an earth sign, so it’s a season of being grounded and focusing family and home. All of that probably sounds a bit boring too you. Gemini, you hate monotony, so the beginning of the month may be difficult for you. You’re itching to go out, but instead your boyfriend wants to stay in again and talk about feelings. Try to find ways to spice up this hominess, responsibility, and work ethic. I mean, being grounded doesn’t have to be boring.
On the 22nd, it’s Libra season, which is much better for you. Libra season will be fun, flirty and creative. Finally, right? Shake off the rut you were in and have some fun at the end of the month. That’s what you’re good at, Gemini.
5Gemini Love Horoscope: It’s Time To Have Those Conversations
Gemini, you may start the month feeling a bit bored. The focus will be on home, family, and relationships. You may not love this, but it’s also a good time to work on your relationships. Sure, having those deep relationship conversations can be annoying, but there’s no better time than now for them.
The new moon in Virgo on the 20th will be a good time to forgive and forget in terms of relationships. Let go of past sins in relationships and embrace a new stage. If your relationship has fallen into some bad habits, like drunken fights or not communicating, the new moon is a good time to break those habits.
4Cancer: Speak Your Truth
Cancer, prepare for a confusing month. It starts with Mercury in retrograde, which is notorious for confusion and miscommunication. That’s over on the 5th, but then a bunch of planets will oppose Neptune this month. Being that Neptune is the planet of delusions, it will result in confusion yet again. So much fun, right?
On September 5th, Mars enters Virgo, which will make everyone a bit more aggressive than usual. In particular, this will effect your communication, so be prepared to speak up a little bit more. You’re usually too emotional to speak up for yourself, but with Mars, you’ll find yourself speaking your truth a lot.
You’ll be feeling more analytical and grounded this month. Trust that. Go with your gut. Around the 27th, expect a shift in your personal life. Whether it’s breaking away from a routine or starting a new one, there will be a new way of doing things around this time.
3Cancer Love Horoscope: You’ll Be Feisty, Girl
Cancer, Mars in Virgo will have you feeling feisty. Since this will be seen through your communication, you may find yourself flirtier than usual. Don’t shy away from this. Flirt, girl! Hell, even just go and tell your crush what’s up. What’s the worst that can happen?
If you’re in a relationship, you may find yourself wanting to shake things up, which is not your norm. You generally enjoy stability and hominess. Instead, you’ll be kinkier and friskier than ever. Oh, and he’ll love it.
Your communication is great at the end of the month, so if something is bothering you, this is a great time to bring it up too.
2Leo: Show Me The Money
Leo, this month is time to get your finances in order, both in short-term and long-term goals. Since the sun is shining on your financial sector, really think about money. Create a monthly budget. Set up a retirement fund. Pay off that credit card. It’s time to plan for the future. Of course, Mercury will be in retrograde in the beginning of the month, so big decisions are best made after the 6th.
This will also be a month of people pushing their boundaries, which may be highlighted by your financial concerns. If someone is stepping over the line with finances – asking how much you make, or what you spend on rent, or if you can lend them money – set them straight. If you’re in a relationship, this would be a good time to address any money concerns in that aspect too.
1Leo Love Horoscope: It Could Be Red Flag Month
Leo, the top of the month is a good time for letting go. If you’re holding onto a grudge, a dying relationship, or any kind of pain from the past, it’s time to let it go. Holding onto these toxic things only brings you down in life. That said, you may also learn something huge about a loved on that will require you to forgive and forget. If you’re in a relationship, he may reveal a deal breaker. It’s time to decide if it truly is a deal breaker or not. If you’re single, you may find out the guy you’re into is not who you think he is. By the end of the month, things will return to a more lighthearted and happy nature.