
Love Advice: He’s Playing Games With Your Heart: 9 Hidden Signs

He’s Playing With Your Heart: 9 Hidden Signs For some men, relationships are a game. They pull you in and then spit you out. Many times, we’ve fallen into this trap, thinking he’s our soulmate. Beware. We have nine subtle signs that he’s playing with your heart.

1. Roller Coaster of Love

He Plays Games With Your Heart: If a man keeps you on his love roller coaster, he is playing games. It is not fair to you that sometimes he wants to call and text, while other days he disappears. Sometimes he seems excited about the future with you, while other days he is like he is hundreds of miles away. Sometimes he may be really busy. Sometimes he may just be a jerk. Sometimes guys just lose interest. This behavior hurts you, but it is better to be alone than with a man who wants you to be his pawn. These men are just testing you to see how far you will go. They want to see if you will continue to play because while you are playing, they get exactly what they want from a partner. Ask them upfront if they are interested in you.

2. They have no one but themselves

Some women fall for sweet, mysterious men who seem to be loners. Yes, there are such wonderful men, but there are also narcissists who isolate their partners. You may notice that he controls everyone around him. In fact, because of this, there is almost no one around him.

No one wants to fall victim to his games. He plays games, making you think that you are the most special person in his life, but in reality, he doesn’t have that many people in his life. This is because this game usually involves using people until they no longer need him. He doesn’t need to have many friends if he changes them like gloves. You will notice that he has many ex-girlfriends, but they are always the ones to blame for the couple breaking up. You will notice that he is no longer friends with his friends because the friends did something to ruin the friendship. When someone doesn’t have friends, there are usually a lot of things they don’t tell you.

3. They are too sensitive.

Sometimes men are born sensitive. Other times, they are playing games with your heart. Narcissistic men generally do not respond well to criticism. They feel that they are above criticism. You may have joked, but they do not feel that way. When men are overly sensitive, it sometimes means that they are simply playing with their emotions.

They want you to feel bad for being “rude” to them. When they don’t get their way, you get in trouble. They need to feel in control all the time. They may show you their sad side, making you feel terrible. The world doesn’t have to please them. They don’t understand why everyone isn’t on their side. Men who get offended by everything you say without your support aren’t worth your time.

4. They have no empathy

He is playing games with your heart: If someone does not sympathize with you, it is time to run. Relationships should be balanced, where both parties listen to the arguments of both sides. If a man does not sympathize with your views in life or the events that have happened in your life, it is a game to him.

You will notice that he doesn’t have much of an emotional connection to anything in other people’s lives. He claims to be close to people, but he doesn’t care about what’s going on in their lives. He may not even realize that you are going through a tough time. If you don’t agree, he won’t budge, no matter how you feel about it. In reality, you are not “together” in the sense of a couple at all. If you can never connect with empathy and compassion, you are just riding this roller coaster together.

5. You will never be able to see your true self.

You can be with someone and never know who they are. It’s all about the mask. You can even live with someone without taking off the mask. That’s because some men just hide their feelings and who they are. It’s not even about you. It’s about their insecurity as a person.

The game is about how long they can keep you around without showing you what’s behind the mask. Some men don’t like being vulnerable at all. They may not be able to take off the mask because it’s a defense for them. You’ll never see if they have any real qualities because they won’t let you. Don’t worry. This game isn’t about you “not being good enough.” It’s about them feeling like the mask is who they are and it’s the only way they can survive in their world.

6. They need all the attention

If your man needs to be the center of attention all the time, it could mean he’s playing games. If he gets all the credit in the relationship, you’re just a pawn. Some men want the glory when they don’t do anything in the relationship.

They may seem like they are the prize of all men, but they are still jerks. When they are on a pedestal, they have power. They love attention because they feel powerful. They may portray themselves as martyrs who need life support. They will do anything in their power to get attention for their ego. In a relationship, if you are not both getting the attention you deserve, there is no need for it. He needs to treat you as if you are on a pedestal too.

7. His eyes are always wandering

It’s okay if your man has a normal wandering eye. Most men are programmed to notice beauty in women. It becomes a problem when you notice he’s always looking at other women, find random messages on his phone, or notice he’s talking to a lot of women.

He may claim that they are just friends, but some men have deeper motives. In a serious relationship, it is simply disrespectful to have multiple women. If he has cheated on someone before, take into account that he may do it again.

For some men, one woman is never enough. It is also possible that he wants many different women. Don’t take it personally. Some men are simply not satisfied with one woman. They play games to see which one is the most effective for them physically and mentally. He will tell you everything you want to hear to distract you from other women. Don’t believe him if he is not sincere. Don’t waste your time on a man who can never have enough love in his life.

8. It’s all about acceptance

The game of acceptance goes beyond their mask. Their goal in this game is to make themselves seem like a great person to gain approval. They want to be the most popular person in the room. You fall in love with their kind, sweet personality because they want you to be predisposed to them.

They don’t care that you care about them, but they want to be accepted. They want to be on top of the world. You’re only in this game because you’re helping them achieve that power couple status. They can pretend to agree with you on everything.

Or he will pretend to be on your side. Finally, he may even act as if your values ​​are their values. It’s all about getting validation and moving on.

9. It’s always your fault

One of the sneakiest ways to play with your heart is through misplaced blame. A guy who leaves you feeling guilty is not the one for you. He will manipulate everything so that you are the one at fault. Many women fall for this in relationships because they want to keep the man and hope that things will change.

They may not even realize they are being manipulated. Often a man will appear empathetic and then slowly reveal his true motives.  Through emotion, they will begin to show you that they are sad that you have hurt them. It is always a fact that you have hurt them, not that they have done anything wrong. It is easy to turn the situation to your advantage. If you begin to see a pattern, stand your ground. Don’t remain a victim when it seems they are always in love.

Don’t be disappointed in this relationship. After all, if a man plays with your heart, he’s lost. Know that you can win the game by leaving him. You don’t have to be a pawn to someone who doesn’t deserve you as a partner.

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