
Relationship Advice: Why Women Leave Men They Love (Every Man Should Know)

Relationship Advice: Why Women Leave Men They Love (Every Man Should Know)

While there are many different relationship situations, there is one simple truth that men need to know: Women can leave a man they love. It is hard for them. It breaks their hearts. But they do it. They gather their strength and their spirit, and they leave. Women leave men with whom they have children, a home, and a life together. Women leave for many reasons, but there is one in particular that I wish men understood: Women leave because their man is not there.

He works, maybe plays football or video games, watches TV, goes fishing… the list goes on. These are not bad men. These are good men. They are good fathers. They provide for their families. They are sweet. But they take their wives for granted. And their wives don’t feel them around the way they should. Men, you may be angry and hurt that despite all this, your wife is unhappy. But this is the truth, as family psychologists and divorce lawyers point out. Your wife is not your property. She does not owe you her soul. You have to earn it. Every day, every moment.

You once won her over by being there, by being there for her, by being there for her emotionally. She needs that. She wants to talk to you about what’s important to her, and feel like you’re listening. Not just nodding politely. Not trying to calm her down. And definitely not arguing.

She wants you to feel her. She doesn’t want a casual quickie. She wants to feel your passion. Do you feel your passion? Can you show it to her? Not just your passion for her or for sex, but passion for being with her. Do you have it? It’s the most attractive thing there is. If you’ve lost it, what’s the reason? Where did it go? Understand. Find it. If you don’t find it, you’re just wasting time.

If you think you are already close to her, try listening to her. Is it working? Or are you distracted? When you look at her, how deeply do you see her? Look again, look deeper.

Catch her eye and hold it longer than usual, longer than is comfortable. If she asks what you’re doing, say, “I’m trying to look into you. I want to see you. I want to know who you are. After all these years together, I still want to get to know you.” But only say it if you really mean it, if you know it’s true.

Touch her carefully. Before you touch her, feel every cell of your hand. Notice what happens at the very moment you touch her. What happens in your body? What do you feel? Notice the most subtle sensations and emotions. Tell her everything you feel.

But you’re busy. You don’t have time for all that. How about 5 minutes? 5 minutes a day. Will you be able to do that? We’re not talking fancy dinners or real dates. We’re talking 5 minutes a day to be fully present with the woman you share your life with.

To be completely open—listen and understand without judgment. Can you? If you just try, once you get a taste, you will not be able to stop. You will see a huge return from your woman.

Relationship Advice: Why Women Leave Men They Love (Every Man Should Know)
Relationship Advice: Why Women Leave Men They Love (Every Man Should Know)

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