
Love Advice: How not to bore a man? 10 commandments of wise women!

Love Advice: How not to bore a man? 10 commandments of wise women!

How not to bore a man? 10 commandments of Wise Women! Very wise advice! In principle, I adhere to them; they help our relationship a lot.

Every couple goes through a series of crises in their lives. Everyday life is fraught with many trials. Everyday life dulls once very strong feelings… Small disagreements destroy even very strong relationships…

How can you maintain a positive and sincere relationship with your beloved man for many years and not get bored with each other? Read these 10 rules; they will definitely make your life together much more enjoyable. How not to get bored with a man:


1. Don’t preach.

We women love drama and monologues. Yes, yes, we simply adore these endless conversations with our partner as passive spectators! Sometimes it lasts for hours; the same argument is repeated over and over again. We complain that he looked at another woman, was late, forgot to call, does not know how to listen…

2. Don’t limit him in space.

If you complain that while you want to be with him 24/7, he prefers to go to the football game on Sunday, watch sports, and go out for drinks with friends… then you are the one creating the problems.

The worst mistake women make is to want the world to revolve around us, to completely eliminate the desires and needs of other people.

3. Don’t try to change him.

If you have met a worthy man—thene who makes you feel happy and cocomplete— not try to change him. After all, we love a person for who he is, not for the fact that he is perfect.

If you think your partner needs some changes, it would be better, no matter how painful it may be, to let him go in search of someone who will love him as he is and do the same yourself.

4. Don’t be monotonous.

Embrace the initiative to disrupt your routine and embark on exciting adventures periodically. Let it be a trip to some heavenly place, a visit to an exhibition, a walk in the ppark,or new games in bed.

5. Don’t push.

Don’t call him every 5 minutes. It’s very difficult to maintain a relationship when one person is dependent on the other. Women tend to be more dependent on their partners than men, both economically and morally.

Take a break and focus on achieving your personal goals, such as paying your electric bill, purchasing a CD, going out for fun, or finding an interesting job.

6. Don’t be jealous.

Jealousy is a demonstration of insecurity. It is not necessary to spy on your partner to make sure of his fidelity. Do not rummage through his pockets,email, or, mobiphone;ne, it is not worth it. Also,, try not to control his looks and gestures.

7. Don’t impose your girlfriends.

Don’t pressure him to participate in women’s events. If you want to go to a cafe with a friend, visit a hairdresser or a manicurist; don’t take him. Forbid yourself and your friends from sharing with him the latest news about celebrities, the best diets and exercises, and and and fashion.

8. Don’t force him to go shopping.

Men are used to going out and purposefully buying what they are looking for. Don’t offer to go shoppihim;ith him, every time you ask his opinion during shopping, he will give the same answer: “It suits you” (and all for the sake of leaving as soon as possible).

9. Don’t ask what’s going on.

Don’t interrupt the silence; if his mind is occupied with something, leave your partner alone. Don’t bother him with questions: “What are you thinking about?””What’s the matter?”tc. In most cases, nothing happens, or at least if you put so much pressure on your partner, he still won’t tell you anything.

10. Don’t make him wait.

There is nothing that annoys a man more than waiting three hours for his woman to choose an adequate outfit, makeup, and perfume. Now you know how not to annoy a man.

Love Advice: How not to bore a man? 10 commandments of wise women!
Love Advice: How not to bore a man? 10 commandments of wise women!

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