It’s important to recognize the signs when someone might be using you to solve their problems. These signs can help you see if the person is genuinely interested in you or just looking for a way to make their life easier. Here are eight signs that he might be using you to solve his problems:
1. He Only Calls When He Needs Something
If he only reaches out to you when he needs help, it’s a big red flag. Maybe he calls when he needs a ride, help with his work, or someone to talk to because he’s feeling down. These calls or messages are usually urgent, and they rarely have to do with how you’re doing or what you need. It can feel like he only thinks of you as a helper, not as a person he genuinely cares about. This behavior shows that he sees you more as a solution to his problems than a real friend or partner.
2. He Never Really Listens to You
When you’re together, he might do most of the talking, especially about his issues. He complains, vents, and goes on about his problems, but when it’s your turn to talk, he seems distracted or uninterested. You might notice that he doesn’t remember the details of your life or what you’ve shared with him before. This is a sign that he’s not truly invested in you or your well-being. He’s more focused on using you as a sounding board to release his stress.
3. He’s Always Borrowing Money or Things
Does he frequently ask you for money or to borrow your belongings? Maybe he says he’ll pay you back, but it never happens, or he takes your things and doesn’t return them. This could mean that he’s using you for your resources without considering the impact it has on you. If you find that your wallet is lighter or your possessions are missing after you’ve spent time with him, he’s likely taking advantage of your kindness.
4. He Disappears When You Need Him
A big sign that someone is using you is if they’re never around when you need support. When you have problems or need help, he’s suddenly busy or doesn’t respond. He might make excuses or avoid you until your crisis is over. This kind of behavior shows that he’s not interested in a mutual relationship where both people care for each other. He’s more interested in what he can get from you rather than what he can give.
5. He’s All About Himself
In conversations, if the topic always shifts back to him, his life, and his needs, it’s a clear sign he’s self-centered. He may seem to forget or ignore what’s important to you, and even when he asks about your day, he quickly changes the subject back to his issues. This shows a lack of interest in building a deeper connection with you. Instead, he’s focused on ensuring that his needs are met, often at the expense of yours.
6. He’s Manipulative and Guilt-Trips You
He might use guilt to make you feel obligated to help him. If he says things like, “You’re the only one I can count on,” or, “If you cared about me, you would help me,” he’s trying to manipulate your emotions. By making you feel guilty, he’s ensuring that you continue to solve his problems. This is an unhealthy dynamic where you’re being pressured into helping, not because you want to, but because you feel you have to.
7. He Doesn’t Make Efforts in the Relationship
If you notice that he puts little to no effort into maintaining or growing your relationship, it’s a sign he’s not in it for the right reasons. He may cancel plans often, not show interest in spending time with you unless he needs something, or fail to remember important dates or events. This lack of effort indicates that he’s not interested in a balanced relationship. Instead, he’s using you for convenience.
8. He Avoids Commitment
He might avoid talking about the future or making plans that involve commitment. When you try to discuss where the relationship is heading, he changes the subject or gives vague answers. This avoidance shows that he doesn’t want to invest emotionally or practically in a long-term relationship with you. He prefers to keep things casual so he can continue benefiting from you without any obligation.
Recognizing these signs is important for your well-being. If you find that these behaviors describe your relationship, it might be time to re-evaluate and decide whether this relationship is healthy for you. A relationship should be based on mutual care, respect, and support, not one-sided benefits. Remember, you deserve to be with someone who values and appreciates you for who you are, not just for what you can do for them.