Which signs of the zodiac will find great love in 2019? And which zodiac signs still have chances to meet the perfect partner, you can find out here.
Many single women want to know if they will meet the right partner in 2019. Which sign of the zodiac will you love in 2019 ? For two zodiac signs, the chances are very good to fall head over heels in love this year.
Leo and Aries are the darlings of the stars
Aries : Your love barometer will be full in 2019. After a spirited winter, which still brings one or the other argument with you, show yourself in the spring of your romantic side. You not only manage to allow strong feelings, but also closeness. This benefits couples and singles. With your new flirt you feel immediately in good hands. You can not wish for a better start for an intense relationship that suits your taste.
The second big winner of the Mercury year is the lion . The lion even enjoys intense emotions and a bit of drama in the relationship. Because 2019 really has everything to offer, this could be your year, especially as Love Planet Venus will do its best for you once again. Singles are rewarded by the stars for eager flirting. If you’re not in your hands by the summer, you’ll get a second chance in the fall and may find Mr. Right. The stars are cheap.
Cheap love stars for twins, scorpion and fish
Gemini, Scorpio and Pisces also have good cards for the 2019 lovemaking game.
Twins exert a magical attraction on the opposite sex. No man can resist these signs. Whether it works with the new love, but decide yourself. The learning task is to allow feelings and the voice of the heart to listen and follow. Those who manage this will never forget the love summer of 2019 and experience a time full of passion and romance.
Scorpion singles start the new year with lots of good flirting opportunities. It is quite possible that you will meet the new man at your side at the beginning of the year. But in love affairs there is still chaos at this time. You will have to be patient. The stars indicate a solid relationship only for the summer. The second half of the year is all about togetherness. Now your erotic desires are fulfilled.
A thousand times touched, a thousand times nothing happened …? That changes in 2019. Strong emotions and passion to experience fish this year possibly with a person from their friends and acquaintances. The stars promise a surprise in terms of love – so keep your eyes and your heart open. If you still have not found anything by the summer, the stars give you a second chance to fall in love with you in autumn.
Opportunities for the rest of the zodiac
However, all other star signs that are not winners are not losers. Mercury stands for reason, communication and logic. His influence is expressed above all in the desire to organize his thoughts and to structure the areas of life, love matters are questioned. Maybe you are more critical than usual and do not just get involved with a man because you want a relationship.
Taurus and Cancer must practice patience: the love of happiness awaits them at the end of the year. The Aquarius approaches the mate choice surprisingly offensively. You are not without chance, but there is a risk that you will choose the wrong one.
Single scales expect a lot of flirting and also one or the other affair. Whether the dream partner is there, but first has to show. The same applies to the shooter and the ibex: there is no shortage of hot affairs, but only at the end of the year does it become clear whether something solid is coming out of it.
Virgins are encouraged by the stars in 2019 rather in career than in love affairs, which leaves little time for love, especially at the beginning of the year. For this, fall becomes sensual and you may be able to give yourself a present for the next Christmas.
The powerful ram, the analytical virgin or the sensual Libra: The horoscope shows that every sign of love and sex lives differently.
Are you looking for the perfect partner? The descendant indicates which qualities one does not have and therefore seeks the partner to complement each other perfectly. Read more!
Zodiac signs and the associated character traits can help us better understand people and their behavior. Everything about the subject of the zodiac sign can be found here.