
7 Proven Ways to Make Him Never Cheat on You

7 Proven Ways to Make Sure He Never Cheats on You. As a marriage counselor, I often encounter cases of infidelity and betrayal. Sometimes it seems like it’s just the scourge of modern relationships. That’s why many of my clients ask if it’s possible to prevent cheating before it happens. Here’s what I tell them.

1. Renew your wedding vows every 7 years.

I heard a story that was probably true. A man and a woman had been married for 57 years when their family and friends threw them a party to celebrate their longevity. After the party, the woman said to her husband, “It was great. But one question has been bothering me for years: Why don’t you ever tell me you love me?”

The man looked at his wife with surprise: “Why, I told you I loved you the day we got married. If I had changed my mind, I would have let you know.” Too many people take their relationship for granted once they are married.

But that’s not true. My wife and I have been married for 31 years. This is the third marriage for each of us. Every 7 years we renew our vows and promise to love each other and be there for each other again. Other than that, we just tell each other, “I love you,” often.

2. Don’t let nature get the better of you. 

Many people think that if two people love and trust each other, they don’t have to worry about cheating. But that’s far from the truth. Biologically, we come together to have children, which we raise until they start having children of their own.

And after that, at 40 or so, you need to start living actively again, just like before having children. If women didn’t give up and returned to life at this age, then men wouldn’t have a 40-year crisis. And men shouldn’t wait for someone to awaken the old spark in them, but take everything into their own hands—of course, together with their wives. Besides…

3. Nature wants older men to cheat on their wives with younger women.

Biological instincts force a man to reproduce, even if he is consciously interested in the act itself, not in procreation. And for this, he needs a woman who is capable of giving birth. After 40, most women already experience menopause, which means that they can no longer become mothers. Therefore, a man instinctively pays attention to the young.

At this stage, everything depends on the emotional attachment and the level of the relationship that has developed before. A conscious man who loves his wife will control his instincts.

4. Sex is not the answer to the main question.

And the main question that every person asks another, even on a subconscious level, is, “Are you with me?” Over the years, when our health and general condition may deteriorate, we need to know that we have a person next to us.

Want to prevent cheating? Be there; be a support for your partner always.

5. Stop humiliating the man. 

Modern women have learned to be too independent. I have even heard this phrase from feminists: “A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.” But if so, why should we be with you? Most men have a strong desire to protect and care for a woman.

But if we don’t feel needed, if we are being made fun of, then our feelings of anger and shame end in betrayal.

6. Let him meet his friends.

He should have his social circle, and best friends with whom he can share his emotions and experiences (yes, men have this too). This is a good guarantee that he will not run with these problems to another woman.

7. Grow up!

Understand that s*x is far from the most important thing. Is some short-term physical pleasure worth ruining a close relationship with your truly loved one?

The point is that cheating can only be prevented if you create and maintain close physical and emotional relationships while being aware of your instincts and controlling them.
These were 7 proven ways to ensure that he never cheats on you.

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