
What Men Of Different Ages Want

Love Advice: What Men Of Different Ages Want

Men are often tormented by the question, “What do women want?” However, the question “What do men want?” is no less relevant and torments the beautiful half of humanity. Moreover, the search for an answer is aggravated by the presence of various nuances that, depending on the age of the man, affect the answer.

To understand this issue, it is worth initially dividing men into age categories. After all, at 30, 40, or 50 years old, men are absolutely different, with different desires and needs.

A man in his 30s

From a psychological point of view, 30 years of age is the most “sober” for a man. At this age, the main thing a man wants is stability. It is at this age that men most often end their “riotous life” and think about starting a family. At 30, when choosing a career or a family, a man will choose a family. However, if a man is no longer interested in his “other half,” he will easily “go left.” To avoid this, you, as your gentleman’s woman, should not “relax” after the wedding. An even more important moment than the moment of “ringing” comes. It is necessary to make sure that your gentleman does not want to “walk around.”.
Start changing your life for the better!

A man of 40 years old

It would seem that there is only a 10-year difference, but at the age of forty, a man’s psychology and behavior can change dramatically. It is at the age of 40 that men begin “crisis,” which they overcome in different ways. Experts distinguish 4 models of “male midlife crisis”:

  • A man has a feeling that the whole world is against him. Everything is falling apart, nothing is working out, and the man is in a state of confusion. Why does this happen? The fact is that at 40, not everyone has time to realize their potential, and some feel that they do not meet the requirements of society.
  • A man with pseudo-development. This is a situation when a man is outwardly happy with his life, pretending that his life is a success and that he has already achieved everything he wanted. However, in reality, he feels cornered and does not know how to deal with his problem.
  • A man who is “offended by fate.” This is a man who has been rejected many times, who could not find the desired job or woman, etc. Such men in 90% of cases do not cope with the crisis of forty years.
  • A self-actualized man. He is doing well; he copes with everything and achieves his goals, so the crisis passed unnoticed for him. It simply did not exist.
    In addition, psychologists say that absolutely all men “harden” at 40. They are all advised to be softer with people.

At 40, men lose the desire to “choose.” They are content with what they have, and they like it. Having become accustomed to one thing, a man at 40 is unlikely to want to try something new. Thanks to this, family and friends become closer and dearer.

Women need to pay close attention to what happens to a man after 40. The fact is that, according to statistics, this is the age of “male suicides.” After all, men are afraid to celebrate their 40th birthday. They associate it with the “post-mortem forty-day period.” It is at this age that men begin to seriously think about what they have managed to do in life and what they have achieved, as a result of which they can fall into depression, which can result in suicide.

Very often, at the age of 40, men find mistresses. The thing is that in this way they try to get out of depression. If your man has decided to leave home at this age, do not hold him back. Let him go. You will not achieve anything with scandals, and the probability that he will return very soon is high. After all, not everyone can stand a long life with a young mistress who very soon starts talking about marriage, and a wife is still dear and beloved. So they come back.

A man of 50 years old

Oddly enough, it is the 50-year-old man who is the most difficult. They are “capricious,” take offense, and demand a lot of attention. Even the most innocent little things can irritate a man of this age. At this age, a man becomes a “three-year-old child” who constantly needs to be praised, told how this or that clothing suits him, and what a clever boy he is.

As you can see, at different periods of life, men want completely different things. And you need to take into account such psychological characteristics of your gentleman if you want to find the answer to the question—what does a man really want?

But all women and girls need to remember the most important thing! No matter what age your man is, you must excite him and make him want you. Increase his sexual libido every day! A sleepy man is a sick and boring man, or… a walker and a drinker.

And to maintain her sexuality, every woman needs to maintain a great mood and a smile on her face, no matter what happens, not to “nag” her husband and train her intimate muscles. Master all the techniques of the Art of Concubines and surprise her man all her life, every day! A strong man, a conqueror, should always know that he owns the BEST WOMAN!!!

Love Advice: What Men Of Different Ages Want
Love Advice: What Men Of Different Ages Want

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