
Love Advice: 4 easy ways to find your soulmate!

4 Easy Ways to Find Your Soulmate! A
“True soulmate” is everyone’s desire in life. You can find your true soulmate by using the law of attraction.  There is something to be said about the power of positive thinking. THE BASIC DEFINITION OF THE LAW OF ATTRACTION IS: “WHAT YOU THINK IS WHAT YOU ATTRACT.”

Positive thoughts have the power to change our lives for the better, especially our love.  Today I want to share a simple technique that focuses on using the Law of Attraction to find your soulmate. 

How to find your soulmate

Step 1: Focus on what you want

In our romantic relationships, we tend to focus on the things we don’t want in a partner rather than what we do.

Think about what you want to create in your life . Think about the relationships in your life and focus on what you really want, not what you don’t want.

Get in touch with your inner truth, your true dreams, your goals, and your deepest desires. Speak them and own them without fear, shame, or inhibition.

Step 2: Define your dreams

Your dreams and desires are not subject to anyone’s approval.  They are yours and all, but you must define them to achieve what you want. Your dreams and aspirations should serve to ignite the passion within you. This passion will not only inspire you to achieve them, but it will also send out a positive vibrational frequency into the world. Through the Law of Attraction, the Universe will respond accordingly. Your person will be drawn to you.

Step 3: Make a “Perfect Relationship” List

One effective way to activate the Law of Attraction in your love life is to create a dream list of your ideal relationship.

Your dream list will fully convey the intended picture of your happiness. It will represent what you have, what you do, and what you achieve in all areas of your life, including relationships. You should imagine your future partner. What should he or she be like? Say all the positive characteristics.

Here are some steps to create the perfect relationship list:

1. Create a diagram of your ideal relationship

The first method is to create a “T-Chart.” This type of chart is a very effective way to determine what you want in your life by looking at the things you don’t want in a soulmate.

Start by drawing a line down the middle of a sheet of paper. Label the left column “What I Don’t Want” and the right column “What I Do Want.”

For example, in the category of relationships in your life, you might focus on a topic like “My Ideal Romantic Relationship .” Start by writing down what you don’t want in one column. Then, in another column, flip it into the opposite statement by saying what you do want.

2. Cross off the “I don’t want” list

Start filling out your T-Chart. If you don’t want a partner who smokes, write that on the left. Then write the opposite on the right: a partner who leads a healthy lifestyle. If you want a partner who enjoys an active, outdoor lifestyle, write that on the right. Once you’ve completed your list, go back and cross out the “don’t want” list on the left side of the chart.

From now on, use the right side of each list and focus on what you want in your life. There is no need to put more attention or energy into the list of what you don’t want.

By the way, the simple act of crossing out what you don’t want is empowering, and it feels good!

Step 4: Know what you want in your soul

Doing this exercise will help activate the Law of Attraction in the relationship area of ​​your life. Completing it will also help you understand what you want in an ideal partner.

I suggest filling out your own “T-Chart” for the relationships you want to attract into your life.  Remember to focus on the kind of person you want in your life, not the person you don’t want. When you release your positive thoughts into the Universe, you give it the power to transform your dream soulmate into you.

Positive thoughts have a wonderful way of not only shaping our love life but every aspect of our life. To fully utilize  the Law of Attraction  in your life, you must become a vibrational rival with what you want to attract into your life.

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