Love Advice: Mistakes Women Should Stop Making In Relationships
Regardless of their age or relationship stage, most women consistently commit the same mistakes that lead to the breakdown of their relationship with a man. Here are 12 of the most common ones, and if you can fix them, you will notice that your relationship is changing for the better.
1. You get angry when he looks at or talks to another woman.
His gaze may involuntarily, instinctively fall on any beautiful woman (and you yourself are the same). And if you are excessively jealous when he even just talks to one of his female friends or colleagues, then the problem is most likely in you. You are either not confident in yourself or you have problems with trust in relationships.
2. You don’t respect his personal space.
If he is in a bad mood and does not want to talk, leave him alone. Most men, unlike women, do not like to talk about their problems; they solve them themselves, and this, it must be admitted, is very manly.
3. You forget to take care of yourself.
It’s just embarrassing to watch how some women stop keeping fit or shaving their legs after marriage. You have to win your man every day and not stop there.
4. You forget about your personal life.
About his friends and interests. A man does not want you to have only him in your life. A man wants to see a complete personality with his own world, in which there is a place for him.
5. You are passively aggressive.
Men are more direct, and if you tell him that everything is fine and nothing happened and then eat him with your eyes, waiting for him to finally get the truth out of you, you will only provoke anger and unwillingness to solve the problem. Be honest and say directly what is bothering you.
6. You nag him.
There is no such thing as a perfect man; no one can give you everything you want and how you want it. There will be times when you will be unhappy with what he does. But don’t nag him about it. Just say what you would like from him: “I like it when you do this,” instead of “Why do you always do it wrong?”
7. You don’t appreciate him.
Again, stop looking at what he doesn’t do and start noticing what he does and appreciating him for it. The more you show him that you appreciate him, the more he will try to surprise you.
8. You are always in a bad mood.
Everyone has bad days; that’s understandable. But it’s in your best interest to try to be positive. No one wants to be around “Grumpy Cat.” People in general are drawn to those who radiate happiness and positive energy. Wake up with a smile, be grateful, and find the good in your life and relationships.
9. You transfer your insecurities onto him.
It’s not his fault that you’re fat, have a pimple, have a mouth wrinkle, or fear he’s leaving. These are your personal problems, insecurities, and shortcomings. Don’t make problems out of them in your relationship.
If he’s with you, it means he likes you. Don’t focus on your flaws. Maybe he doesn’t want to notice them, so why point your finger at them? Men are attracted to confident women.
10. You try to change him.
In dating, you accept someone as they are, not as you want them to be. Take it or leave it. If the changes are small, like you’d like to adjust their style, do it gently. Avoid criticizing or making fun of them. Just say, “You look so hot in that suit, but it would be even better if…”
11. He doesn’t feel your love.
Each person needs something different for this. For women, it’s a bouquet of flowers and romantic gestures. For men, it could be food, compliments, or a massage at the end of a hard day at work. Pay attention to what makes him feel loved, and do it.
12. You rush things.
This can scare him off and prevent you from getting a better look at him and considering whether he’s right for you.