
Love Advice: 8 Signs He’s Outgrown Your Relationship and Wants Someone Else

8 Signs He’s Outgrown Your Relationship and Wants Someone Else
Sometimes it happens that you get the feeling that your relationship is not as good as it used to be. It doesn’t bring you happiness, but rather a feeling of oppression, misunderstanding, and instability. How do you know that your feelings are crumbling and that your partner is contributing to this? What are the signs that your man has distanced himself from you and doesn’t value your relationship? 

The process of separation of partners can last for quite a long time and because of its duration, we begin to get used to the fact that many of the little things we loved, from which our feelings arose, gradually disappear. It is difficult for us to realize and accept the truth that everything is bad and you have become strangers.

There are a number of indicators that indicate that he has outgrown your relationship and is already looking for someone else. Today we will tell you about them. If you are familiar with at least half of them, then you should think about your partner’s feelings.

8 Signs He’s Outgrown Your Relationship and Wants Someone Else.

1. He started calling much less often.

It is clear that each partner works and has their daily schedule. We can be busy at work, worry about misunderstandings with parents or friends, someone can spoil our mood or we just don’t feel well, BUT if we love and value someone, we will find at least a minute to call the person dear to us.

You know yourself that these are all excuses, that throughout the day there was no time even for a short call or text message. If he stopped calling you and is constantly looking for some excuses on this account, then you should think about it, maybe he just does not want to hear you and is trying to keep a distance between you. 

Any dramatic change in habits is a distress signal in your relationship. Don’t turn a blind eye to it!

2 Friends are more important to him

How often does it happen that you ask your man to spend time together? You want to go with him to a cafe, a bar, a shopping center, a park, a movie, or somewhere else, but he prefers to relax with friends. He has already agreed with them, promised that he will be there, and you must understand him.

Has this ever happened, honestly? And how can it not be annoying? After all, you get the feeling that you are being neglected and you are simply not important to him. Or maybe that is true?

3. He plans a trip without you

If you think about it, there is nothing wrong with your partner wanting to go somewhere without you. It could be a trip with old friends, or he just decided to visit a place alone and think about his life plans. Maybe he is looking for inspiration and meaning in life, or you would be superfluous in the company of only men.

There are a lot of options, but in a full-fledged happy relationship, this happens very rarely. If you always traveled together and appreciated every minute spent together, shared all new impressions together, and now he plans all this without you…

4. He quarrels over nothing.

Quarrels appear out of nowhere, just out of nowhere, and he is the initiator. It means there is a lot of negativity in him that has been accumulating for a long time.

His irritation grows day by day and he can’t cope with it. He takes out all his anger, insecurity, and discontent on you. Perhaps he doesn’t always want to quarrel with you, but his emotions get the better of him. But it may also be that there is a cunning intent hidden behind his actions – with his behavior, he pushes you to decide for him, a decision to break up. He wants you to take on the most difficult thing and free him from the difficult burden.

5. He doesn’t plan a future together.

He has no plans for a future together, and he openly demonstrates this. Or, depending on his character, he may behave a little differently, trying in every way to change the subject and slip away from the question you raised about the future.

– I don’t even know; we’ll see later; we’ll see then – you can hear phrases like these from him when you ask him a question that’s important to you. He doesn’t even bother to pretend to think about it. Run away from him, because he doesn’t see his future life with you. He’s temporary and fickle.

6. He is bored with you

He increasingly demonstrates his despondency, bad mood, and frank boredom. Previously, it was enough for you to be near, and there was no need for unnecessary words. With your loved one, words can be heard even in silence. You were never bored together, just lying in front of the TV in the evening was also a pleasure.

And now everything has changed, he has outgrown your relationship. He doesn’t need it anymore and he is looking for any excuse to go somewhere to relax, meet with friends, preferably so as not to be alone with you all the time. He needs to dilute your company with someone else, and this hurts you. After all, you remember and love those evenings together. You miss them, but he doesn’t understand it.

7. He doesn’t want intimacy

There is no need to even talk about this. This point will be clear to everyone. If the partner does not want intimacy and avoids it in every possible way, then something is wrong. You need to talk about this and frankly. What will he answer you about this?

By the way, the unwillingness to be intimate can start to be expressed in small ways. If you always held hands in public and he always tried to hug you, then when his attitude towards you changes, he may stop doing this. Any little things dear to his heart may be excluded from him about you.

8. He doesn’t say he loves you anymore.

Words of love do not come easy to all men, many believe that it is better to show feelings not with words, but with actions. This is also true in its own way, but if your man has completely stopped telling you about his love, then this is an alarm bell. Especially if it is difficult for him to say it when you ask him about it. The automatic answer “I love you too” does not count. He may say it just like that.

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