Zodiac Sign

Your July 2024 Astrological Forecast

The final weeks of springtime have arrived, and the busy-bee energy of Gemini season has everyone fluttering about from one social engagement to another as spring ends. But with the summer solstice fast approaching, the astrology of June 2024 guarantees that some tides are about to turn. You’ll want to be ready for this month’s major astrological events.

The first few weeks of the month comprise the bulk of Gemini season, and with lucky Jupiter having just entered Gemini in late May, this quizzical and quick-thinking energy is stealing the cosmic show. Gemini’s ruler Mercury joins the party on June 3, followed by a communication-forward new moon on June 6. The whole first week of June is your chance to set intentions around love and connection and perhaps even launch some long-term plans. Once feisty Mars enters diligent Taurus on June 9, you can put your nose to the grindstone and work steadily toward your goals.

Bright ideas and productive conversations come pouring in under the Mercury cazimi on June 14, so take advantage of this moment of mental clarity. Lover Venus and chatty Mercury enter the sensitive sign of Cancer together a few days later, and the sun follows suit on June 20, heightening your emotions and marking the start of Cancer season 2024. This is also the date of the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, so soak up the magic.

Saturn goes retrograde in June 2024.

Speaking of magic, an exciting full moon in Capricorn rises on June 21, ripe for manifestation. The month wraps up with Saturn retrograde 2024, which kicks off a subtle but important period of processing when taking responsibility for your actions and finding your true voice.


Big Gemini Energy With Mercury

Gemini season is in full force as the month begins and the sun is shining in the sign of the twins alongside both love planet Venus and lucky planet Jupiter (the latter of which just kicked off its year-long stint in Gemini on May 25). Gemini’s ruling planet Mercury joins the party on June 3, amplifying the airy and chit-chatty Gemini vibes and giving your brain a major mental boost.

It’s time to put on your social butterfly wings and start fluttering into new concepts and conversations. On June 4, quick-thinking Mercury joins forces with expansive Jupiter, blessing everyone with big ideas and auspicious social connections.

Later the same day, there’s another important planetary conjunction in Gemini, this time between the sun and Venus — also known as a Venus cazimi or Venus Star Point. This lucky alignment puts you in touch with your values regarding love and money, so open your heart to new connections in romance, relationship breakthroughs, and exciting financial opportunities. Gemini Man Flirts. But NOT if You Know The Secrets of HIM

All of the astrological events in June 2024.

A Clarifying New Moon On June 6

The communication-forward Gemini energy hits a fever pitch during the new moon on June 6, as the sun and moon will join forces in this ever-curious air sign. This luncheon is a great time to open your mind to new ideas, find new ways to express your thoughts, or catalyze fresh connections with people around you. The moon will be cozying up to value-oriented Venus, making this a powerful time for manifesting love, money, and all sorts of pleasurable new beginnings, too.

Rocking Steady With Mars In Taurus

After spending two months in its home sign of Aries, Mars is trading in an impulsive style of goal-chasing for a more reliable approach, as the action planet enters down-to-earth Taurus on June 9. Mars likes to act quickly, but Taurus Energy knows that slow and steady wins the race — so have patience with yourself as you go after the things you want and take your time as you ensure each step you make is taking you in the right direction.

Just be sure you don’t throw any low blows to get ahead, because the annual square-off between Mars and power-hungry Pluto peaks on June 11, dramatically bringing competitive streaks to the surface. Channel this Mars in Taurus energy wisely and take advantage of the power boost instead of trying to be controlling. Taurus Man Secrets: Put That Hot Taurus Man Under Your Spell

All of the astrological events in June 2024.

A Mercury Cazimi Brings Breakthroughs

On June 14, we get one last big and refreshing blast of Gemini season energy, as mental planet Mercury aligns with the sun to form an aspect known as a Mercury cazimi. This conjunction could spark an important conversation or a productive mental breakthrough that helps you get your plans on track — or perhaps motivates you to create new plans entirely. Speak your truth, listen to others, and stay open to inspiration.

Venus & Mercury Enter Sensitive Cancer

On June 17, romantic Venus and logistical Mercury enter the tender-hearted realm of Cancer side by side, giving us an early taste of the emotional energy coming in Cancer season. With these two personal planets in watery Cancer for the remainder of the month, everyone will be acting from a more sensitive space, so it’s helpful to approach communication and relationships with more gentleness and compassion. Venus and Mercury will also be squaring off with illusive planet Neptune at this time, so try not to take things too personally, as not everything is as it seems under this hazy cosmic weather.

All of the astrological events in June 2024.

Cancer Season & Summer Solstice

June 20 is a special day in the stars, as the sun shifts out of Gemini and into Cancer — an ingress that kicks off both Cancer season and the summer solstice simultaneously. Cancer season is a powerful time to tune into your feelings, check in with your family, and allow your heart to lead alongside your head. Connecting with your most ride-or-die friendships and getting lost in the magic of a nostalgic summer playlist are perfect ways to connect with this soft-hearted and sensitive energy. Here are some qualities of Cancer men and how you should treat them the right way. 

All of the astrological events in June 2024.

A Full Moon To Kick Off The Summer

June’s full moon peaks immediately after the summer solstice, allowing everyone to ring in the new season with a sparkly and motivating burst of lunar energy. Rising in the practical-minded sign of Capricorn on June 21, this full moon is a fabulous time to bring some soul-power into your current trajectory and start manifesting with your whole heart. If you focus on aligning your plans with your true core values, you can make some exciting and productive strides toward your long-term goals.

Saturn Retrograde Begins June 29

You couldn’t escape the month without one more planet stationing retrograde, and it’s rule-oriented and responsible Saturn this time. Saturn retrograde 2024 starts on June 29 and lasts until November 15, and this annual backspin is a good time to slowly search for solutions to any longer-term challenges that have come up for you this past year. Use these upcoming months as an opportunity to take a step back and get some clarity on where you’d like to steer your plans for the future.

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