Zodiac Sign

7 Survival Tips To Help You Thrive During The Age Based On Zodiac

2020 has been hailed as a year of ascension. And with the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, a New Age of Aquarius is believed to start.

The rare conjunction of the planets in an air sign is happening after almost 200 years, and now our focus will shift to more humanitarian matters. With unconventional thoughts reigning supreme, here’s how you can keep up with the Age of Aquarius:

1. Embrace Unconventional Ideas

The energy of Aquarius pushes us to embrace new perspectives. It asks us to embrace unconventional thoughts and practices. Learn to be more authentic and progressive!

2. Let Go Of Materialistic Tendencies

Most of the last Great Conjunctions have taken place in earth signs, which put our focus on materialism and earthly things. As the planets now move to Aquarius, this is the time to stop thinking about earthly possessions. Focus on spiritual connections and build on those.

3. Make New Friends And Build Communities

The Age of Aquarius is meant for community-building and collective action. You can tune into this energy by focusing on creating new and meaningful friendships. Start getting more involved in community activities and connect with people with similar interests and hobbies.

4. Unleash The Rebel Inside

Aquarius does not like being fenced in. So, this is a great time to break away from societal norms and be your own self. Boldly become your unique self and expect some brush-ups with authorities. This is the time to stand out!

5. Take Up Social Issues

The Age of Aquarius will be concerned more with humanitarian issues and the collective good. You will often feel the urge to stand up for social justice. Don’t try to suppress this. Stand up and speak out.

6. Become More Tech-Savvy

The futuristic energy of Aquarius is quite curious about technological advancements. In the coming years, big technological advancements, especially where the collective good is concerned, will take place.

7. Accept Change

As we shift into a whole new age, expect major changes in the collective consciousness. When things seem too difficult, trust that a new path is being created for you. New opportunities are waiting for you if you can persevere through this phase of change.

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