Show me your flaws. Tell me why your asymmetric features make you want to hide them under your baggy clothes and I’ll tell you why they’re beautiful. We can talk about them for hours, and instead of judging you, I’ll love you more. I know it’s not easy to disclose an abundant amount of insecurities, but we can learn to love them. Talk to me about how you use your hair to cover up the blemishes that are hidden on the top layer of your skin and tell me about the scar you got when you fell that one time. I won’t love you any less, and instead of pushing you away, I’ll congratulate you for getting back up and continuing life with these things you call “faults.”
Show me every color in the rainbow. I was never looking for perfection, so show me your shades. Tell me about your fluctuating moods and what I should and shouldn’t do to help. Continue to surprise me with your inability to control your emotions, and if you need a little guidance, I won’t hesitate to help. Let me listen to your issues, whether it’s personal, controversial, or general. Tell me about how society has inflamed a raging passion in you and how you would, while being fully rational, defend any innocent person standing. Allow me to admire your passion and let the feelings of your emotions impact mine.
Show me you while the sun is rising. Tell me how you believe you look awful when you wake up and how you’re embarrassed by the idea of me seeing your morning face. Tell me about your routines and about how you like to sit in bed for a while, scrolling through your phone or watching a movie, before sleeping. Continue to open up to me, because I can promise you that I’ll always want to find out more. Till the day we die, tell me something I don’t know about you. I won’t judge you—ever.
Show me you and I’ll show you me. I won’t give you reasons to stay, but I’ll give you reasons to see the real in me. I’ll come find comfort with you if you stay long enough to see the authentic within me.