9 Reasons Why Men Can’t Handle an Empathic Woman
“Instead of being afraid to shut off your sensitivity, dive deeper into all the feelings you can. As you go deeper, leave only those who are not afraid of the oceans.”
©Victoria Erickson
When you’re an empathic woman, finding love can be very difficult. You may find yourself getting your heart broken over and over again, trying to find someone who can handle you. The truth is, there aren’t many people who are ready for your heightened sensitivity or your natural connection with others.
An empath wants to love with all their heart and be loved in return. They seek strong relationships and connections, but sometimes it just doesn’t happen. Sometimes they give everything they have and don’t receive any gratitude, don’t feel valued, and as a result, there are no positive, strong relationships.
Here are 9 reasons why men can’t handle an empathic woman:
1. They are incredibly emotional.
Such women are overwhelmed with emotions; they feel their partner as themselves. For some men, this is too much; such a display of emotionality on the part of a woman may seem intrusive. Some find it difficult to get used to it.
2. They are used to other people’s problems
Empaths are people who others often turn to when they need to unburden themselves, talk things out, and get moral support. Empaths seem to be created for this mission; they help people in difficult situations.
But such a desire to help everyone—to participate in the lives of many—can be difficult for a beloved man to accept. Men are mostly owners, and sharing their woman with others is taboo for them, even if it is necessary to share only on an emotional level. And also, with an empathic woman, you will have to share her burden, and this is not easy.
3. They are very careful.
Empathic women have many complicated relationships. She can be very cautious when it comes to physical and emotional intimacy. You have to show her that you are worthy of her trust. Don’t force her to do anything she doesn’t want to do. She needs to be loved and accepted for who she is.
4. They can see right through you.
Many guys think they are being clever when they try to hide things from an empathic woman, but the truth is that she already knows what you are up to. An empathic woman will quickly uncover a man’s lies if he chooses to hide his true self during dating in favor of a more perfect image that he believes will be more attractive!
These women can see right through impostors; instead of a beautiful shell, the true essence that they are trying to hide from them is visible.
5. They need stability
Because so much of what they feel may be out of their control, empathic women need some consistency in their lives. Whether it’s a daily morning routine or a specific way of folding their clothes, these constants help them feel more grounded and ordinary and the sense of stability they desire.
6. They are very independent.
Many guys want to take care of and provide for their significant other. The problem is that an empath is incredibly independent, and ultimately this leads to such women not feeling like they need someone in their life. They may be lonely in fact, but not in their soul.
Although they enjoy sharing their lives with a partner who will understand them, they often refuse the dominance and control of a man in their world.
7. They ask a lot of questions.
The average female empath does not take anything at face value. Everything in her life has hidden meanings. She will question everything around her. Some people find this questioning and inquisitive nature too much to handle.
If you never question the path that is laid out for you, problems will arise in the relationship. Empaths try to prevent unsuccessful relationships from happening, but they are not always able to do so.
8. They know what they want
Empaths do not hesitate when choosing a partner; if they are interested in a relationship, they are ready for anything. When they take a step towards being with someone, they immediately go all in. This does not mean that an empath woman will work hard in the relationship, but it is known for sure that she will not put up with a lack of effort from a man.
You have to try very hard to overcome all the difficulties in the relationship, for the sake of being with her. She will feel if something is wrong.
9. They are very honest.
If you can’t speak the truth and nothing but the truth, then don’t talk to a female empath. Hearing and speaking the truth is never easy, but in the end, it is what will help you grow as a person.
You will be able to raise your level of value if you spend time with her. But it is worth considering that such women do not tolerate lies; they can sacrifice their friend or loved one if they deceive her. Are you ready to be honest with her?