Relationship Advice: 8 Signs Of A Man Who Will Love You Forever
Men often receive unflattering characteristics, which is partly explained by stereotypes and inflated expectations of women. The ideal man is considered a fictional character, a hero of movies and novels. But still, this is not so, and there are certain conditions under which each specific man becomes ideal for a woman. This happens when he finds the one he does not want to lose.
1. He is faithful to your relationship
It’s easy to be together when everything is good, but when fate “tightens the screws,” then everything is tested for strength: things, people, relationships, and love. A real man will not give up without a fight and will not wash dirty linen in public. He values your relationship, which means he will not let anything alien come between you.
2. He doesn’t hide from problems.
A real man will not take the position of an ostrich when things get tough. If something irritates him or causes discontent, he will treat it attentively and with respect. He treats problems approximately like this: if they exist, they need to be solved. And he knows how to separate the disputes that arise from the relationship itself, which is very important.
3. Attention to detail
When he was single, he didn’t care if the trash wasn’t taken out, the dishes weren’t washed, or the fridge was empty. But he knows that’s important to you, and now he tries to break away from his usual routine and make sure everything is in order.
He won’t watch movies without you that you also like, and he lets you play music in the car. Little things, yes, but life is made of little things.
4. He is smart and wise.
That’s why it’s worth evaluating a man by his intelligence. And it’s not about IQ, but about worldly wisdom. Firstly, he looks at things objectively, and secondly, he can give comprehensive advice in any situation.
If you need help, he tries to feel what worries you. And you are sure that he will give no less wise advice to your future children!
5. He wants you to love yourself for who you are.
He thinks you are beautiful (that’s why he loves you), but he doesn’t just think so; he also tries to demonstrate this to you with small actions. When you think your hair is out of order, he will always give you a well-timed compliment. Every day he finds a way to encourage you, support you, and remind you of his love.
6. Your problems are his problems
If something is bothering you, it is bothering him too. He will handle your problems as if they were his own. If you need help in the middle of the night, he will help you and will not grumble that it is not his business.
7. He takes your mistakes with a smile.
But not in a caustic, sarcastic way, but in a philosophical way: everyone makes mistakes, and you are no exception. If you accidentally say something that hurts him, he will understand that you didn’t mean it at all.
He won’t carry a stone in his bosom and poke it at every convenient and inconvenient opportunity if you let him down at some point (for example, ruined dinner at a restaurant by staying late at work).
8. But he takes his own seriously.
On the other hand, he worries and is very upset when, for some reason, he disappoints you or does not live up to your expectations. And he tries to correct mistakes as soon as possible. He will not turn serious things into jokes, especially if he knows that it hurts you.