
Three Reasons Not To Give To An “Older Man”

Three Reasons Not To Give To An “Older Man”

Three reasons not to give “an older man.”. No amount of money can make up for living with an old stump, and here’s why. There is a new trend on the Internet—to prove that only an old stallion can make a young nymph happy. Stallions have their reasons—for some time now there has been a belief that a young heifer in bed prolongs life and youth.

As they wrote here in LJ? Leave your old wife and get a younger wife (the main thing is that she is selfless!) to prolong your life. Every man deserves this.

Well, every woman deserves not to have her strength and juices sucked out of her by such a “hero.”.

Because we won’t talk about love on his part (the concept of “love” is ignored by such dudes; they are not capable of love; this is a category of consumers who want only one thing: to use the female body and female labor, but at the same time to “pin the fool to the nail”). Therefore, there are three most obvious reasons not to get involved with the old stump.


And the first one…

A difference of five years is almost unnoticeable. A difference of ten years becomes more and more noticeable over the years, but a difference of twenty years?

At forty years old (although no female student will live to be forty, because a man only needs a young woman), a woman will get a perpetually grumbling sixty-year-old man on her neck who has hemorrhoids every day, prostate inflammation, or a shitty mood, because no one has yet canceled male menopause.

Reason two

As I was told in the comments, a man can reproduce at 38, and even at 48 and 58, it seems, he still “can.”. That’s why he is valuable to any woman. And every young woman should run, dreaming of being impregnated.

Ha-ha-ha, three times ha.

Besides making a child, you have to raise it, feed it, clothe it, teach it, and send it out into life. The average man who makes a child at forty-eight or even fifty-eight will not have time to fulfill these responsibilities.

All this will fall on the woman. What’s the point of reproducing from him? It’s easier to give birth to a young, healthy man, or even to a donor in a sperm bank if you want to realize your maternal instinct. You’ll be raising the child yourself anyway, but you won’t have to put Pensus and all his quirks on your neck.

Reason three

Men like to claim that at forty-plus, the body can be such that young people could not even dream of. For a man, of course.

A lie. And a shameless one at that. Young meat is always tastier, and if sex is important to a woman, it is better to feel the elastic butt of at least a peer in bed and not the flabby skin of an aging goat, who is trying to prolong his youth in this way.

Potency and other things also begin to limp with age, and badly.

True, they don’t admit it; they gobble up Viagra and Cialis and are in the holy confidence that 30 seconds of back-and-forth movements are the greatest benefit they are doing this nymph. And just don’t give me any commercialism or “what about love” right now.

Love is, you know, a very interesting feeling. As I wrote at the very beginning, those who treat women from the position of consumers do not deserve any love. That is why they are considered exclusively from the same position—and what good does this do to Grandpa?

As we can see, none. And I wrote only about the most obvious shortcomings of communication with him.

And if you dive deeper, it becomes downright scary. Very big money can compensate for this terribly—but who will give up their very big money?  Are there any objections to at least one point, comrades men?

Three Reasons Not To Give To An "Older Man"
Three Reasons Not To Give To An “Older Man”

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