What he will NEVER do if he plans a future with you. Especially point 5—very subtle and precise! In an ideal world, every person we want to be with also wants to be with us. But unfortunately, our desires do not always coincide with reality and the desires of other people.
If you’re worried that the person you’re dating doesn’t see a future in your relationship, here’s how to check. The main signs that this is indeed the case (forgive me for being blunt):
1. He never makes specific plans.
If he doesn’t see a future with you, he won’t build one with you. Period. This means your dates will be spontaneous and irregular, never planned.
And it’s not his spontaneity and unpredictability, but his indecisiveness and uncertainty. He’s not interested enough; he’s waiting for something or someone more interesting to appear, and you’re already the last option.
2. He doesn’t introduce you to his family.
You’ve been dating for a few months now; his parents live in the same city, and getting to know each other seems like a logical next step, especially since there’s some kind of holiday coming up.
But no, he didn’t say a word about your acquaintance. Maybe because he doesn’t see the point? Why endure the awkwardness and excitement of a first meeting if he has no intention of building a future with you and making you part of his family?
3. He doesn’t call you his girlfriend.
He may say that he doesn’t like labels, that it doesn’t matter to him, and that he doesn’t want these complications. But in reality, the problem is not with labels but with you.
How often do these guys say such phrases to some girls and then meet a new one and almost immediately marry her? And they are not afraid of any labels and cliches!
It sounds harsh, but it’s true—it’s about you. If he liked you enough, he would build his future with you; he would call you his girlfriend, and then he would call you his wife.
4. He is ready to date you only on the condition that there will be s*x.
Guys understand simple math. If he wants to have sex with you, he has to keep taking you on dates. If he’s not interested in something more, he’ll never agree to just meet you without further ado.
5. He doesn’t meet your friends.
On some level, he knows what he’s doing is wrong. He knows he’s taking advantage of you by not wanting to promise you anything more. And so he avoids meeting the people who care about you. Because they’d see right through him, and he doesn’t want to feel guilty.
6. He doesn’t communicate.
He is emotionally closed; he does not want to get close to you except physically. Let alone just answer your calls and messages on time.
7. He never talks about the future.
You’re adults. You’ve been dating long enough that talking about the future seems logical and natural. But you can’t talk about it. Because you know where it will lead. To nothing. But don’t be afraid of it. It’s better to dot the I’s and cross the T’s right away.