
Love Advice: 3 Things a Woman Should Never Tell Her Partner

3 things a woman should not tell her partner.
Yes, my dear girls, there are such things. And let everyone say that there should be no secrets between a man and a woman, but I am not talking about secrets. You can leave something unsaid and it will be much better. See for yourself that these three things should not be told to your loved one!

Everyone everywhere talks to us about openness and honesty, about trust, and that a loving person will always understand us and accept us as we are. But is it always like that? Or are there still things that are better not to touch upon without need, and it is wiser to remain silent? You don’t need to think that this will somehow distance you from each other and break the closeness that has developed. This is not so.

Think about it; it is not for nothing that the old proverb says that silence is golden. Can you boast of this precious quality and bite your tongue in time without blurting out too much? Let’s find out today what a woman is better off not telling a man and why. This information may be useful to you.

So, here are 3 things a woman should not tell her partner:

1. Your feelings about your previous relationship

This can be a painful topic for both of you, and you need to understand that if you touch on this topic, you may regret it. Of course, we are all different and it is impossible to predict with certainty the reaction of your loved one to what you said, but most often men do not like to hear this. The thoughts that arise in his head after your conversation can sow confusion in him for a long time.

Is it worth sharing such details with your current lover as where and how you met your ex, his character, and your relationship and feelings? Think three times about what this could threaten you with.

2. About your external shortcomings

Girls, you don’t need to point out your shortcomings to your loved one. Even if it’s one of those innocent questions, for example, “Honey, I think I’ve gained a little weight in my butt. Is that true?” It seems like, well, what’s wrong with that, You’re just asking your beloved about such a trifle. What’s wrong with that? Yes, a lot. 

Firstly, you give your man a reason to think about the fact that your butt, which he loves so much, is far from ideal. And you point this out to him. And secondly, you reveal your insecurity to him, and you should never do this. Men are attracted to confident women who know their worth and love themselves as they are. 

Conversations about weight and appearance can be very hurtful, so it’s best not to dwell on them unnecessarily. 

Try not to make barbs at him either if your prince has slightly increased in size in recent years. Be smarter and find out the reasons for this change. Perhaps it’s as simple as that—you’ve become less active and allowed yourself extra high-calorie foods. If so, review your diet together and start moving more. After all, movement can be quite enjoyable, if you know what I mean.

If you want you and your partner to be healthy and fit, then it is better to motivate him and join a healthy lifestyle, but do not complain or reproach. This will not do any good.

3. About your concerns

This does not apply to those cases when your anxiety has serious grounds. In our case, there is no point in talking about all sorts of trifles that constantly swarm in a woman’s head. My dears, let’s not forget that our man is not our best friend who is ready to listen to us about our experiences and feelings for days on end. Men are completely different and this depresses and irritates them.

A woman who is always whining is just awful, and I agree with the powers that be. Who likes listening to a woman’s endless buzzing with or without reason? Think about it yourself.

With our complaints, we only take away all our knight’s energy, but it should be the other way around. A woman should fill a man with positive vibrations and set him up for good. He should relax with you and be motivated, and not the other way around.

The conclusion is that you shouldn’t go on about your worries to your husband/boyfriend if they are not important. First of all, ask yourself how serious the situation is and whether you can do without his opinion. Maybe it would be better to talk about it with a friend? If it is really serious, then of course it is worth telling. 

Dear girls, these are just three points, but I think each of us has a couple more. Let’s be more patient and wiser and not burden our men with unnecessary information. Especially since it is in our interests. The relationship will only become happier if you think about what you say.

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