
Love Advice: 5 Signs He’s An Emotionally Unavailable Man.

5 Signs He’s an Emotionally Unavailable Man. Don’t expect love from him! He’s simply incapable of it. Various studies show that women seem to be more right-brained, while men have a more developed left hemisphere. The right hemisphere is known to be responsible for creativity, intuition, and emotions. And the left is more rational, analytical, and responsible for logic. That’s why women are more emotional than men.

Our emotional needs are greater than those of men, and so we need to look for a partner who understands and knows how to respect our emotions and reciprocate them.

Here is a list of 5 personality traits that indicate a man may be emotionally unavailable. If you meet a man with these personality traits, proceed with caution.

5 Signs He’s an Emotionally Unavailable Man.

1. He suffers from addiction.

Emotional unavailability can arise from a lack of love that a person received in childhood. The feelings of inner emptiness that these people suffer from are a direct result of their parents’ failure to meet their needs for love, care, and affection. Children who grow up in an environment where their needs for love and affection are not met enter adulthood without a sense of inner security.

With this lack of internal security, they develop an addiction. They will cling to something external to relieve their pain, be it people, drugs, or alcohol. Even if these people cling to you and profess their love, it is out of addiction, not love for you.

They are not looking to get, but rather to give. You may be tempted to mistake their challenging behavior for love, but in reality, it is anti-love. It will only trap you, not free you. Don’t confuse addiction with love and stay away!

2. Narcissistic men

The dictionary definition of a narcissist is: “a person who is overly concerned with or admires himself.”  Because they are so concerned with themselves, they cannot empathize or think outside of themselves.

They believe that the whole world revolves around them. They act based on “what’s in it for me?” Even if they treat you well and love you, it’s only to get some benefit from you. It could be approval, admiration, or any other satisfaction. They simply view you as an object that must provide them with their “narcissistic solution.”

If you are with a man who is preoccupied with himself and does not think about others, he is narcissistic and is unlikely to provide you with the emotional connection and affection you deserve and desire.

3. A man who doesn’t like being alone

There is a very delicate balance of solitude and connection in relationships. Each partner needs time to spend with themselves, to pursue their dreams and passions, and to discover themselves.  When two people know what it is like to be alone and have had their own experiences, they can return to the relationship to share their views and life experiences.

But a man who is not comfortable being alone will not be comfortable sharing his emotions with anyone. He simply runs away from them instead of trying to feel them.
When he can’t be available to his emotions, how will he be available to you? Consider whether you want an emotionally unavailable man.

4. Dependent man

The most common misconception about love is the idea that dependency is love.  Many people claim that they can’t live without you, and you may be tempted to view this gesture as romantic. But let me tell you, it’s not. When you need another person to survive, it’s not love; it’s dependency. And that’s a little scary.

The dependent person is very busy looking for love and attention; he has no energy left to give love.  This person tolerates loneliness very poorly and derives his identity exclusively from relationships. It does not matter who he is in a relationship with; the main thing is that he has someone.

If someone is too early in a relationship or too quick to assert themselves to you, proceed with caution. Please do not let the intensity of their emotions fool you; they are simply acting out their need for dependency, and their emotions have no substance. 

5. Insecure man

A man who lacks self-confidence will not be able to bring his full self to the relationship and allow you to reach your highest potential.
He will simply be in a relationship with you to avoid being alone and to feel better about himself. He will not view your relationship as a partnership between equals and will feel threatened if you become better than him in any way.

When you start to develop as a person, you will have better career opportunities in life; he will not be happy for you. He will feel jealous and insecure and will try to cling to you, or even demotivate you instead of helping you enjoy your glory.

He needs to work on his self-esteem issues before he can be a confident and loving partner. Let him work on his issues. Move on and wish him the best!

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