I stopped texting him first and this is what happened. Especially point 4 – so embarrassing! I stopped texting him first and this is what happened. We had been dating for a little over a month and I really liked him.
The only thing that bothered me was that I was always the one texting him first. It made me wonder what would happen if I just stopped bothering him. I tried it and this is what happened:
1. I haven’t heard from him for about a week.
I used to get really nervous when he didn’t call or text because I wanted to talk, so I would text first. But without my help, he didn’t get in touch for a week. It showed me how low I was on his priority list.
2. He asked why I didn’t call or write.
Maybe because he’s a total jerk who’s just wasting my time? It’s funny that I stopped making an effort and only then did he realize something was missing in his life.
3. He liked it when people ran after him.
I didn’t realize it before, but I was running after him. I couldn’t go two days without contacting him. So he didn’t have to lift a finger, I was at his disposal. And that’s all he needed.
4. I was the queen of pathetic messages.
When I reread our old conversations, I was just cringing. I was the queen of the questions, “How are you?”, “What are you doing?”, etc. I looked so desperate, constantly trying to continue the conversation, even when he was already saying goodbye to me.
5. I decided to give him what he gave me, and nothing more.
It was hard, but I decided to talk to him only if he initiated the conversation. I also started communicating the same way he did. For example, he never said he wanted to meet, so I stopped too.
I removed all the emojis he didn’t use and wrote monosyllabic responses like he did. It showed me how little he was giving me and I was taking.
6. He was cooling off while I was running after him.
I tried so hard to keep the conversation going, but I was the only one. He went with the flow.
He noticed I wasn’t there when I “cut the cords” but it took him 7 days to get in touch so he clearly wasn’t suffering the whole time. He just didn’t care.
7. I stopped responding to his messages.
Even when he texted me. It was incredibly hard. Especially when he sent a really sweet message and I left my phone at home on purpose so as not to be tempted to reply.
8. He was clearly worried.
Not only did he start writing to me, but he even called me a couple of times, which I also ignored. He only became interested in keeping me around when he realized he was losing me.
9. I believed his lies.
I thought maybe he would learn from it and become a better person, that he would realize how much he liked me and start trying. But the sad truth is that people like that don’t change.
10. The cycle repeats.
I started texting him again, and he kept paying attention to me for a few more days. But then things went back to normal. He didn’t respond to my messages or contact me again. I was angrier at myself than at him.
11. I broke up with him forever.
I went back to the original plan, and this time I forgot about it forever. I focused on my life, realizing that I deserved so much more.