
Love Advice: Your Girlfriend Truly Loves You. 8 Obvious Signs!

Your girlfriend truly loves you. 8 Obvious Signs! If you can’t figure out whether your woman loves you, then it will be useful for you to know these 8 signs by which you can determine what your other half feels for you.

1. She is always happy about your successes.

A woman who rejoices with you when things are going well in your life is truly committed to you and your future together. Does she constantly downplay your accomplishments? That’s a sign of dissatisfaction. That’s a very bad sign.

2. She always touches you.

Does she have a hard time keeping her hands off you? Touching, especially non-sexual touching like stroking your hair or leaning on your shoulder, is a sign that she cares deeply about you. It makes her happy and excited to be around you.

3. She genuinely cares when she asks how your day was.

A loving person wants to empathize with the object of their affection. Knowing every detail of your day helps her strengthen her bond with you.

4. She loves the way you smell.

Do you catch her sniffing your pillow after you get out of bed? Or does she get disgusted when you haven’t showered? Research has shown that women use their sense of smell to determine who they’ll be with in life.

5. She doesn’t spy on your things.

If her love is in doubt, she will take your phone and look through your call history or your text messages to find excuses so she can tell you it’s time to break up.

But a woman who does not interfere in your private life is ready to trust you. Trust is one of the strongest signs of love.

6. She constantly mentions you in conversations with other people.

You may have to go to mutual friends to figure this out. If she talks about you a lot, it means she can’t stop thinking about you. Of course, if she’s just complaining about you, that’s a different story.

7. She likes to share food with you.

Love creates a chemical in our bodies called oxytocin, and studies have shown that oxytocin increases generosity (as well as trust).

This doesn’t mean your true love won’t get mad when you steal all her fries, but if she loves offering you a taste, it’s a sign that her oxytocin is going through the roof.

8. She is there when you need her.

This may seem obvious, but it is also one of the most important signs. It is easy to be with someone when everything is good when the sun is shining and there are no problems.

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