
Love Advice: Causes of jealousy. Why it appears and what types of jealousy there are.

Causes of jealousy. Why it appears and what types of jealousy there are.
Each of us at least once in our lives faced the feeling of jealousy. We were jealous or caused this green-eyed feeling in someone. They say that from love to hate is one step, but what brings us to this feeling? Why does it arise and destroy relationships? And how to overcome it? Let’s figure it out!

Causes of jealousy

Type of jealousy: physical.

Psychology of a jealous person: jealousy arises from physical complexes (health problems, physical defects, dissatisfaction with one’s appearance, rejection of age) and material insolvency. Negative attitudes: “I am ugly,”  “I am weak and helpless,”  “Life is dangerous,”  “Wealth is not for me.”.

Spouse/Partner Behavior That Causes Jealousy: The spouse invests in herself.

Type of jealousy: emotional.

Psychology of a jealous person: jealousy arises from complexes about emotional inexpressiveness and sexual unattractiveness, as well as difficulties in self-presentation and attracting attention. Negative attitudes that cause jealousy are “feeling is dangerous,” “strong experiences are not for me,” and “I am not attractive.”.

The behavior of a spouse/partner that causes jealousy: the spouse allows comparative characteristics with other (potential) rivals in his/her communication with the partner and expresses admiration for their merits, thereby pointing out the partner’s imperfections.

Type of jealousy: informational.

Psychology of a jealous person: jealousy arises from insufficient competence and “lack” of abilities, which causes problems in learning, mastering certain skills and abilities, processing and possessing information, and revealing abilities. Negative attitudes that cause jealousy are “I’m stupid,”  “I’m a loser,” and “Success is for the strong.”.

The behavior of a spouse/partner that causes jealousy: the spouse is convinced that everyone should have their secrets and mysteries, underestimates the role of simple heart-to-heart communication, rarely talks about their successes and difficulties at work, and, as a result, is rarely interested in the partner’s affairs. Subconsciously or consciously demonstrates their superiority in something.

Type of jealousy: isolating.

The psychology of a jealous person: jealousy arises from a lack of communication skills, isolation, a feeling of being “rejected,” difficulties in establishing friendly relations, and receiving recognition from a partner. This leads to avoidance of close relationships due to fear of losing one’s own “I”, and rejection of oneself as a person in general.

Negative attitudes that cause jealousy: “I’m nothing but trouble,” “I’m not worthy of attention, love, or respect.” “I’m worthless; I’ll always be rejected.”

The behavior of a spouse/partner that causes jealousy: the spouse experiences a cooling of feelings towards the partner due to an internal personal crisis associated with a feeling of insecurity and self-rejection. A love affair on the side is possible as a way of self-affirmation.

Type of jealousy: functional-productive.

The psychology of a jealous person: jealousy arises from professional unfulfillment, lack of recognition in the team, and difficulties in social adaptation. Negative attitudes that cause jealousy are: “I am bad (mother, housewife), “Nobody needs me,” “My work is worthless,” and “I am not a professional.”.

Behavior of a spouse/partner that causes jealousy: the spouse is absorbed in his/her professional activity and growth. Devotes not only most of the time to work but also all of his/her attention.

Type of jealousy: status-value.

Psychology of a jealous person: jealousy arises from the lack of a desired social status and ignorance of “one’s place” in society. Negative attitudes that cause jealousy are “I have no right,”  “Life is a game,” and “I am a small person.”.

The behavior of a spouse/partner causes jealousy: the spouse, by his place and role in society, does not take into account the feelings of his partner. Common family values ​​are leveled by the values ​​of the environment in which he is realized. The psychology of “double standards”.

Type of jealousy: conceptual.

The psychology of a jealous person: jealousy arises from the lack of development prospects, difficulties in defining and realizing one’s purpose, setting and achieving goals in life, and the absence of a dream. Negative attitudes that cause jealousy are: “Everything is useless,” “Life has no meaning,” and “I can’t change anything.”.

The behavior of a spouse or partner that incites jealousy: the spouse is enamored with new possibilities and motivated by his or her accomplishments in the future, but from this perspective, fails to consider the contribution of his or her partner to the process of achieving the desired goal.

Every person experiences jealousy. It arises in childhood and persists throughout life. The difference is that in some it is expressed more strongly and in others to a lesser degree.

Jealousy is an unpleasant and destructive feeling that awakens emotions such as fear and anger. It manifests itself in relationships between people and is often associated with a lack of attention, love, and respect. 

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