These Reasons To Give Up The Role Of The Mistress. What Consequences Await You?
5 Reasons to Give Up the Role of a Mistress. What Consequences Await You? Unfortunately, many women now agree to the role of a married man’s mistress without realizing the consequences of their actions.
5 Reasons to Give Up the Role of a Mistress. Many of them write to me that:
– it is love (which is quite possible);
– the man loves her but cannot abandon the children;
This relationship is temporary until a betrothed appears for life.
– it is only for the satisfaction of physical needs;
In this relationship, she experiences happiness and feels like a woman.
They understand the sin and will bear the consequences!
5 Reasons to Give Up the Role of the Mistress. But Do They Really Understand the Consequences?
Let’s work together to resolve this issue, as any woman who lacks self-esteem can find herself in this situation. It’s possible for a decent woman to find herself in this situation, not necessarily a bitch who wants to destroy the family.
Sometimes amazingly pure women become mistresses, who simply fell deeply in love and, due to a lack of knowledge and understanding of what they were doing, chose this role.
Since karma paths are so complicated, I won’t judge them.
Let’s examine the destructive nature of this role and the reasons for its abandonment.
#1 ♡ Loneliness ♡
Very often, women who have chosen the path of a mistress think, “I will be with him until I meet my one and only.” However, the design of a woman’s energy system prevents her from attracting another man, even if there is one in her field whom she regards as her own. Her energy does not form in other men because there is already one.
A woman can even make some attempts to improve her personal life and create a family, but often nothing works out; everyone seems different to her; no one attracts her. And this is understandable, because in her mind, she is already married, and the system of recognizing and feeling other men works poorly and fails.
I have worked with clients who bravely stepped out of the role of a mistress and ended their relationship with a married man, and within a matter of months, new men began to emerge in their lives. What kind of men appear depends on what kind of energy the woman has left after her previous relations. And this energy is often very little. Why? Read on…
No. 2: Power Supply ♡
While a woman is in a relationship with a married man, she is his source of nutrition. In most cases, men have mistresses for one simple reason: their wives do not produce enough subtle energy for a man to realize himself; they cannot fully nourish him with Yin energy. Then the man either begins to weaken/get sick/degrade/stand still in life or finds an additional source of nutrition—a woman who still has energy that can nourish him through sexual relations—and he will move on.
When women learn that they are batteries for a man, they sometimes even perceive it as praise: “Well, yes, he gets charged by me; he gains faith in himself! His wife doesn’t give him that. I love him, and I don’t mind giving him my energy.”
They just don’t understand what they’re talking about!
In addition to the fact that a mistress nourishes a man, she is also a source of nutrition for his wife, children, and his entire family. All this subtle energy received from his mistress, a man takes to his family! So think about it: do you want to be a source of nutrition for his wife, children, and mother-in-law? The exchange of energy is absolutely incomplete. For what a woman gives to a man during sexual intimacy, she has every right to receive complete financial independence, sufficient attention from a man, children, protection and security, and of course, status.
A woman gives a man subtle energy; he processes it into the material (money and a prosperous business), and again, it must return to the woman so that she can increase her energy potential. But in a relationship with a mistress this does not happen; the woman does not receive as much as she gives, and from time to time these relationships begin to exhaust her. Is it worth saying that a woman creates a family based on her energy potential, but when it is no longer there, then it is impossible to create anything?
It often happens that when a man has a mistress, at first he takes off at work, his family relationships improve, and opportunities come. Say “thank you” to your mistress, who voluntarily gives this from her energy pocket.
The energy connection lasts for 7 years after the relationship with the man, and for another 7 years the mistress gives her energy to that man and his family. And, naturally, in this case, she can no longer invest her full strength in her personal family and its prosperity! Think about it…
#3: Driven by the curses of the wife ♡
For her stupid energetic self-sacrifice, the mistress receives such a portion of curses from the man’s wife on a subtle level that they will haunt her for a long time in life. And it doesn’t matter whether the wife knows or doesn’t know; the system still works! This is particularly true when a woman chooses to be the mistress of a man whose wife has given birth to more than two or three children! This is generally a big problem; getting involved with such a woman can greatly harm your destiny, and these imprints will remain on the subtle body until the mistress repents and somehow atones for the pain caused to the wife.
How many stories have I witnessed where a former lover attempted to restructure her life after a relationship, only to be met with pain? And only after the practice of atonement did her life begin to change. And you know how difficult it is: you need to pray for that man’s wife, bow to her, go to church for her, and perform asceticism for her. Why bother with all this?
#4 ♡ Always #2 ♡
Women who consciously choose the role of a mistress have low self-esteem because a woman who loves herself would never choose to be number two, to be a shadow—invisible. Even if she loved herself, she would set her own conditions.
Sometimes, when I work with women on the topic of self-esteem, intriguing things come up: when suddenly a woman begins to realize her nature, her power, her strength, then she stops being interested in such relationships. When they realized they deserved more and could be the only one and always number one, several of my clients ended relationships with married men.
Maybe it’s worth waiting to become a temporary joy for some man, to develop self-love and normal self-esteem and become the joy and treasure of your husband, the only one, beloved and faithful?
#5: Purebred Offspring ♡
Sometimes women tell me that they need these relationships for sexual satisfaction only. But after 2, 5, or 10 years, the woman will still think about children, and every mother wants her child to be healthy, happy, and connected to the family. Every mother wants the best for her child!
However, if a woman had a long-term relationship with one man, married another, and neglected to cleanse herself from previous relationships, she could carry information from both her previous and current partners’ families in her body, which could then influence the child’s genotype.
Of course, you have all heard about telegony: a woman transmits to her children the genes of all the men with whom she has had sexual relations. A child born to a woman who is energetically connected to several men has a very weak connection with the family because a lot of information from different family lines is intertwined in his subtle body. Each of his mother’s ex-men is partly his father, which has a very unfavorable effect on both the child’s psyche and his personal life force, plus the curses of that man’s wife can have a detrimental effect on the child’s life and influence his life scenarios.
Therefore, if lust has overcome you, engage in practices of transformation of sexual energy and study Kama-Shastras about how a woman can receive sexual satisfaction while she does not have a man. And if you absolutely cannot live without a man, then at least choose a man with positive genes and not married; it is much easier to energetically cleanse yourself from such men than from those who have spouses behind them!
Remember, even if you have unknowingly embarked on this path, you always have a choice to leave it and build your family without getting into karmic debts to the wives of these men. Work on your self-esteem, see your strength and beauty, realize your power, and feel that your energy can serve the good, not self-destruction!
And if you love this man, well, great, continue to love at a distance, wish him well, and be glad that he once awakened your heart, perhaps in order to invite that very man into it. And remember: true love feels great even at a great distance.
If you are a wife, then your task is to constantly increase your energy potential, to continually invest in yourself, in your condition, in your strength. Learn to enjoy yourself, take care of yourself, and then your man will never have a thought about going to another woman.
Now you know 5 reasons to give up the role of a mistress. Stop thinking about the sterility of dishes and perfectly ironed shirts; you have succeeded here. Now is the time to “pump up” yourself with strength, pleasure, and enjoyment, because it is the powerful energy of a woman that is the key to the success of a family, an erilely clean apartment, and perfectly fulfilled duties. Remember this!