
Love Advice: 5 Phases Of Karmic Relationships! What Should You Do?

5 Phases of Karmic Relationships! What should you do? Karmic relationships are connections that originate in a past existence (past lives). The purpose of these encounters is to grow, learn, and heal negative experiences that one or both parties contributed to creating.

1. Meeting

A karmic encounter usually happens in a very unusual way. It can be an accident, a chat, a chance meeting at a bus stop… This encounter creates a magnetic attraction, combined with the fact that we feel a sense of closeness to the other person. We know that we have already seen those eyes, that we have already experienced the energy of this embrace, and that we have no defense against the spread of this feeling in our lives.

We may feel a strong need to help another person or, on the contrary, to get rid of them. This is because our soul knows that it will have to face the healing process.

The moment you meet this person on an instinctive level: you know that he will seek you out; you are intrigued and attracted. Emotions, feelings, and romance will be irritated.

2. Dreams and coincidences

Often these relationships are recognized on an astral level. You may have had very specific dreams about this. Sometimes the other person will tell you part of a dream that you may have started. This is important to try to understand the nature of the relationship.

You will probably be involved in an incredible series of coincidences (feel the name of this person or the name of the city he/she lives in anywhere, buy a particular book at separate moments, find the same object, unexpectedly cross it, call it when he/she is about to do so). The other person feels you, and vice versa: in thoughts, in actions… you recognize it as part of yourself.

3. Feelings

In addition to the feeling of familiarity, one can feel a strong empathy, an absolute need to feel/see/touch the other person, and a sharp pain in the solar plexus when, on the contrary, we have not felt it for too long.

Karmic relationships are never easy; they present traps and obstacles. Often both people are busy or at different stages of their journey.

When this kind of relationship is “started”, and if the love that flows from it is managed with great awareness, it can work wonders. It can open a phase of personal exploration, of analyzing our lives, of breaking old patterns that we are bound to. But only if we dare to be real.

4. Growth

The result of any karmic relationship is growth, not life together. In a karmic relationship, the other is our mirror. As we reflect, various aspects of our being (or our life) are revealed that have yet to be resolved. Sometimes these relationships teach us what we must give up to be ready to receive true love.

5. Problems

Although the connection between two partners may seem perfect at first, karmic relationships are chaotic; they carry the weight and pain of past lives. And if you do not heal, it will cause you great pain.

Because there is an ancient connection and very strong energy, the moment you decide to break it, the other will feel it and “reproduce” it in your life. Ultimately, this relationship will weaken you emotionally.

How do get out of a karmic relationship?

The first way to break a karmic relationship is to acknowledge it and agree to be a part of it.
Understand that the connection exists
Deal with the pain
Learn, grow
– Move on

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