Love Advice: 4 Things A Woman Will Never Forgive A Man
4 Things a Woman Will Never Forgive a Man. The question of relationships between a man and a woman has remained the most pressing since biblical times. Not so many books, pictures, or articles have been written about politics, nature, or anything else; not so many films have been made. But, despite this, none of the scientists, poets, artists, psychologists, or astrologers have ever come up with a universal “happiness formula.”.
The relationship between a man and a woman can be considered the longest “war” in human history for the right to happiness and love because there is no “formula for happiness” or other “regulations” in place.
In the tactics of this “war,” the parties use all possible means—love, care, attention, tenderness, respect, and support. Everyone chooses their own path. But only one thing can lead to defeat—grievances that cannot be forgiven, which leave a deep wound in the heart. So, what will a woman never forgive a man for?
1. Refusal of a request for help
Everyone knows or has heard that there is such a thing as genetic memory. So, women have it in their genetic memory that a man is a knight, a hero, ready to come to the aid of his lady at any time.
It doesn’t matter what the help consists of: driving her to the airport at night or bringing her aspirin to the other end of town, helping to hammer in a nail or move a wardrobe, giving “male advice” or money for new boots, but every refusal by a man (reasonable or not) reduces the man’s “rating” in the eyes of a woman exactly as much as the request is important to her at that moment.
Believe me, men, in the modern world a woman can cope with all the problems herself: call a taxi, order home delivery of medicine and groceries, hire specially trained people to fix a faucet or assemble a wardrobe, and earn enough for a branded handbag (we are not talking now about those women for whom receiving material benefits is a lifestyle or a profession).
A woman’s request for help is her desire to be weak and to feel male support and care. Any woman, even the most successful one, needs this. And a refusal is usually perceived by a woman as an insult—after all, she practically “barely” herself in her helplessness before you. Often, women use requests as a kind of test for a man. This remains true: women dislike and do not forgive refusals.
2. The man leaves first.
It doesn’t matter whether the man left forever or came back a minute later, having come to his senses. If the man is dear to her, she will make an effort to forget the insult and the emotion she felt when the door closed behind him, but deep down, she will always remember this and will find it difficult to forgive quickly.
In a weak relationship, the woman may pretend (or not try) to forgive and then tell the man that they are over. In any case, it is easier for a woman to survive a breakup with a man if, as it seems to her, she made the decision.
And one more thing. Breaking up, even if it’s just for a while like “we need to take a break,” is a crack in a relationship. Who said, “Try breaking a cup and then gluing it back together—will it still be whole after that?” So don’t “practice” breaking up in a relationship.
3. Double life
Almost all women, at least once in their lives, have the desire to read their mail, look at their SMS and phone book, and find out something about their man’s life from mutual friends. Such desires do not arise without reason (again, we are not talking about pathologies now).
And if suspicions have arisen and the desire to get to the bottom of the reasons for these suspicions becomes an irresistible force, then the woman will find them. A normal woman can forgive and even take a “peaceful direction” if she discovers in your computer’s history that you have visited porn sites, but she will never forgive if she discovers that you have spent nights on a dating site under the guise of working on an important project.
She will forgive you, men, if you compliment her friends and comment on their personal lives, but she will never forgive you if she finds out that you dated one of her friends (even if the friend asked you to help her, as a lawyer, with a divorce), but did not tell her. It is better to tell a woman about your plans to go to a friend’s birthday party alone than for her to find out from your friend how much fun you had some time later.
Each woman decides for herself how to handle the evidence she has obtained, but she is unlikely to be able to forgive since she perceives the man’s “double life” as a betrayal or even…
4. Treason
Is there anything to explain here? I don’t think so.
There are many reasons and circumstances for men to cheat. As scientists say, the nature of men’s cheating is that they cannot produce offspring and therefore “scatter” their seed in order to leave as many offspring as possible. This is what male animals do, but humans live more than just reproduction. Is it possible to justify cheating? A million. Forgive? Whatever they say, but no.
In conclusion, I would like to tell you one story that, in my opinion, is instructive.
At one wedding, I heard a toast from the bride’s mother, which I now consider the motto of my family life. “Today, my dear children, I wish you much love and happiness, well-being, and joyful days. I join in and bless your love and your union. But family life, and life in general, is not only joy. It is responsibility for the actions and words said to each other. Therefore, I want to wish you to learn the main thing in relationships between loved ones—to pity each other. Pity in a kind way, without humiliating or insulting. If you learn to pity, you will never be able to offend each other, so it will be impossible to forgive. Love and pity each other!”
In conclusion, I would like to tell you one, in my opinion, instructive story.
At one wedding, I heard a toast from the bride’s mother, which I now consider a motto in my family life. “Today, my dear children, I wish you much love and happiness, well-being, and joyful days. I join in and bless your love and your union.
But family life, and life in general, is not only joy. It involves taking responsibility for the actions and words we say to each other. Therefore, I want to wish you to learn the main thing in relationships between close people—to pity each other. Pity in a kind way, without humiliating or insulting. If you learn to pity, you will never be able to offend each other, so it will be impossible to forgive. Love and pity each other! ”