
Love Advice: 7 Qualities Of Every Man’s Dream Woman.

He will be simply crazy if you have these qualities!    . For many years, everyone has only talked about what a man should be like. It’s time to look the other way. Let’s look at 7 qualities of a dream woman for every man. Choosing a partner is one of the most important decisions a man makes in his life. Some even say that it is the most important decision.

We choose a woman with whom we are going to share our inner world. She will be the mother of our children. She will help us plan our lives. She should be ready to lend a shoulder when we are in trouble.

But what should a “right” woman be like? What are these 7 qualities of a dream woman for every man.

For a long time, the press and the Internet discussed only questions about what a man should be like. A woman in and of herself was perceived as a trophy. I do not agree with this thesis. You see, we men also have our preferences. And it is not only about appearance. Or rather, not about that at all.

So, what do we want from women? Here are our 7 most important wishes.

1. Character

Being a really beautiful girl does not mean being self-sufficient and harmonious. I have met many beautiful girls. There were also those who were as attractive in appearance as the dirty concrete at the Kyiv metro stations.

I’m sorry, but it’s true. We want people who spend a lot of time and energy on maintaining their beauty to also find time for authentic, real life.

You are not what you look like.

We want our girls to be able to laugh uncontrollably—alone with us and with our friends. We love women with a sense of humor. We want to see a girl next to us who doesn’t take life too seriously.

Be yourself. Order a cheeseburger for lunch. Put some ketchup on it and don’t worry about how you’ll look.

Wear a sweaty and slightly dirty T-shirt when you wait for us at home. You don’t have to put on makeup. Don’t comb your hair. In fact, I like your “shabby” look. We love it when you dress to feel beautiful, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be real with us. And yes, it may seem strange, but character is more important than external beauty. If only because internal beauty becomes more subtle and refined with age, while external beauty only fades.

2. Respect

Your attitude towards the people around you says a lot about who you really are.

In today’s world, when everyone around you is on social networks, your face is your Facebook profile. And we really do read what and who you write about, how you respond to others. Your posts reflect your personality.

And frankly, men don’t want their girlfriend to be everywhere and do it with everyone. We don’t like hundreds of photos from your parties. Little boys may want to have a popular girl, but grown-up, real men don’t play these games.

You cannot respect another person if you do not respect yourself.

What we really want is to marry a girl who would rather stay home and read a book in the evening than one who gets drunk with her friends on the weekends. Being reserved makes you more intriguing!

3. Attachment

Men are by nature more oriented towards physical contact. We learn about the world by touch. Of course, we want to have a girl next to us who is not able to tirelessly seduce us, but one who will always make us feel warm and cozy.

We want you to lend us a helping hand sometimes. We want you to kiss us when we least expect it. We want you to hug us in the evening and ask how our day was. We want to feel NEEDED.

And, yes, we value comfort in love relationships above romance!

4. Intelligence

We love to have not only heart-to-heart but also intellectual conversations. Contrary to popular stereotypes, we think not only about s+x. We want you to be interested in the world around you and your place in it. And generally have a broad outlook.

We’re much more interested in discussing life itself with you than a new designer handbag or your favorite TV show.

We are sometimes guilty too. When we force football on you on Sundays, for example. But we still want to count on being able to ask you for advice when our careers reach a stalemate. And we want to count on getting an adequate answer from you on what to do, and not just “everything will get better.”

You don’t have to have a degree from Harvard. But we want you to be intellectually (and educationally) capable of understanding us and our problems.

5. Confidence

Life is hard.

Every day is a struggle, and to reach our dreams, we need a woman by our side who is always ready to be there. In any situation.

A woman who loves herself, despite all her faults, will love the man who is next to her despite all his faults. We want to move toward the stars with you, not ahead of you.

You don’t have to have perfect looks to be confident.

Strictly speaking, s+xuality has nothing to do with appearance at all.

And, yes, we don’t notice every single one of your flaws. We often don’t understand why you spend so much time in front of the mirror. We don’t analyze every inch of your body to make sure you’re perfect.

Ideals do not exist, and we do not seek them. External beauty can only complement you but in no way be the basis of your personality.

All we need is a woman who is confident in herself and in us next to us.

6. Ambition

Men like to be the guardians of the family and the main planners. But we want to have a woman by our side who also knows how to make plans. We don’t want to make all the decisions alone. We need a farsighted partner who knows how to dream and take responsibility.

We don’t want to spend our lives with a woman who will trust us 100% and will obediently wait for our permission to take the next step.

Ultimately, it is only the women who are willing to not only keep up with us but also move ahead of us who become the best mothers to their children and who are truly committed to successful relationships.

When the going gets tough, our ideal woman won’t just throw everything away and walk away. She’ll have the ambition to hold on to what’s important to her.

7. Modesty

Modest people are ideal companions in life. Modest girls have compassion for others. And they want their loved ones to be happy too. Happiness for one is not happiness at all, they know.

Only those who know how to keep their ego on display at every convenient and inconvenient opportunity are able to build strong relationships based on partnership.

We like it when women, on the one hand, are smart and ambitious, and on the other hand, don’t think that they have 10 heads and know everything.

If your goal is popularity and high social status, then modesty is only a hindrance. But if you want to live a happy life with a reliable partner, then here it is the Holy Grail.  But still, yes, we are ready to accept you with your shortcomings.

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