
Learn to kiss: How to become a kissing expert

Kissing is one of the most beautiful things in the world. But as we all know, a lot can go wrong, and the first kiss is not always romantic, exciting, and sensual. We’ll tell you here how you can enjoy kissing.

A kiss says more than a thousand words! There are good kisses, bad kisses, boring kisses, and, unfortunately, often no kisses at all. Kissing is, just like s+x, an intimate and heartfelt experience that we usually share with someone we trust.

For many of us, kissing is even more important than s+x, because when we kiss, our emotions are at full speed. Kissing can be romantic, loving, tender, or erotic, depending on how we kiss. Whether we start smooching passionately right away, first just gently pucker our lips, or simply let our tongues swirl for minutes, kissing is as variable and changeable as you want it to be.

Kissing is something you have to learn.

Practice makes perfect! This is no different when it comes to kissing. Nobody is born a kissing pro, but everyone can learn to kiss and become a real kissing master through training and the right feeling for the partner’s needs. Unfortunately, kissing is particularly important for women, as surveys have shown. Sensual lip contact decides whether the kissed frog becomes a prince or remains an unwelcome toad. But if things don’t work out at the beginning of the relationship, the affair, or even when you’re getting to know someone, don’t immediately dismiss the young man, because it’s not that bad.

The more and more often you kiss, the more you will adjust to each other and the better your kisses will be. Maybe you are just two different types of kissers. What one person doesn’t like can make the other melt. Many people are very direct when kissing and immediately bring their tongues into play. But not everyone likes this bold style. Many need a “sniffing out” period in which they start to smell and taste the other person and let them get closer and closer. These people like it when kissing starts gently and then slowly increases. There is no patent for the right kiss yet, but if you follow a few simple tips and tricks when learning to kiss, you are sure to hit the romantic jackpot!

Preparation is important

No act without the right preparation, so when learning to kiss, keep a few basic things in mind: Before you purse your lips, make sure that the other person wants to kiss you. A one-sided action does no one any good and certainly does not result in a continuation or a happy ending. Don’t tense up and use your tongue gently. After all, you don’t want to brush your kissing partner’s teeth or cause them to gag. Thorough oral hygiene and fresh breath are essential when it comes to learning to kiss. Without these simple precautions, the desire to kiss quickly turns into kiss frustration. The same applies to the lips: only soft and well-cared-for lips are kissed with pleasure.

Show him how you want to kiss!

If you are one of those candidates who have found a kisser who you unfortunately don’t like at all, don’t despair. You can show him how you like to kiss. However, in this case, let your actions speak for themselves. This way you can avoid having an offended kiss-hater as a partner later on. Just take matters into your own hands. The next time you kiss, hold his head gently in both hands and kiss him exactly the way you would like. If you notice that he wants to take control, push him away from you a little, look at him, and then kiss him again. This way you can slowly take control of the kiss and show him clearly what you like.

Kissing with a surprise factor

Kissing can also get boring sometimes. But it doesn’t have to be. Before it gets that far, you can always make your kisses something special and exciting. Either you try it the cheeky way and lightly touch your partner with your tongue while kissing, but then immediately pull it back and show him that you and your tongue would like to be conquered. Long tongue games can also have that certain something and bring him to the brink of s+xual ecstasy. How about giving your partner a little tongue massage, for example?

Step by step to becoming a kissing expert

Not everyone has yet discovered the secret of kissing. For everyone who is still working on an optimal “kissing performance”, we now have the ultimate tips for learning to kiss.

Yes, you read that right. A good kiss is like a dance in which both partners take turns to lead. Sometimes one can be a little bolder, then the other can decide in which direction the kiss should move. And just like dancing, kissing is all about speed. If you prefer a romantic atmosphere when kissing, you should perfect the slow tongue movements; faster movements give the kiss passion and s+x appeal. It’s best to alternate the two variations: sometimes fast, then slow again. In the beginning, you should use your tongue carefully and cautiously, and then gradually increase the pace.

2. Kissing means conquering
The classic mistake when kissing: Instead of approaching carefully, the tongue is used like a jackhammer. You should start completely differently. Try to conquer your partner and his tongue with your tongue. Suck gently, roll your tongue around his, and explore new territory. Caress the roof of his mouth with your tongue—the area behind the teeth is also very sensitive for many people. Many people like their partner to touch the inside of their cheek with their tongue. Try it out!

3. Kissing and Surprise
Kissing makes you inventive. How about surprising your partner with a tasty little treat over a kiss? For example, pass him a piece of chocolate while you kiss, or put an ice cube in your mouth and then kiss him deeply. You can also whisper something sensual in your partner’s ear before the kiss and stroke his hair and down to his neck. Or you can stroke the outside of his lips with your tongue and make your way into his mouth, where your tongues will then meet.

Kissing is fun and kissing is about feeling! Of course, it takes a bit of practice, but once you’ve got the hang of it, you should do it as often as possible. No matter where, no matter how long, and no matter how fast. The main thing is that you and your partner like what you’re doing. Keep on kissing!

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