Relationship Advice: In 2025 Women who are lucky in love. What kind of women are lucky in love?
Women who are lucky in love. What kind of women are lucky in love? Beautiful ones? No, appearance, unless we are talking about extremes, that is, beauties and women with ugly appearance, is not as important as psychological characteristics and the degree of emotional maturity.
The main thing, of course, is the quality of relationships in the parental family, in upbringing. A person can change a lot in himself through self-education. What should we strive for, what image should we mold?
Based on medical and human experience (my own and that of others), I tried to determine those qualities that provide a woman with reliable and stable intimate relationships.
In other words, a “lucky” woman in love is characterized by approximately the following features.
Women who are lucky in love:
1. She accepts herself completely, even if she wants to change something about herself. Her attitude towards herself is based on love and respect, she constantly takes care of it and maintains it. She simply values herself, and does not look for relationships to maintain self-esteem.
2. She accepts others as they are, without trying to change them or adapt them to her needs.
3. She does not renounce her attitude to any aspects of life, including sexual feelings, and does not suppress either “negative” or “positive” emotions.
4. She cherishes and “Nurtures” every facet of herself: her personality, her appearance, her beliefs and values, her interests and achievements.
5. Her self-esteem is high enough that she enjoys being around men who are good just the way they are. She doesn’t need to be needed by anyone to feel like she’s a worthy person.
6. She allows herself to be open and trusting with some people. She is not afraid of people getting to know her deeply, but she also does not allow herself to be exploited by people who are not interested in her well-being.
7. She formulates questions for herself as follows: “How good is this relationship for me? Does it contribute to my growth? Does this relationship allow me to be who I can be?
8. If the relationship brings only troubles and destroys her personality, she can say: “let him go” – and at the same time not fall into despair.
9. She has a circle of supportive friends and healthy, deep interests in life, which allows her to survive the crisis.
10. She knows how to protect herself, her health, her well-being. She is not attracted to intense struggle in relationships, drama, chaos.
11. She knows that stable, growing, healthy relationships happen between partners who have similar values, interests, and goals. Each partner has the ability to achieve intimacy. She also knows that she is worthy of the best that life has to offer.
So, the main thing is not to quarrel with yourself, accept yourself , improve yourself (and not others), and then you will be able to build a harmonious relationship with a man.