How to Open a Man’s Heart: 3 Magic Keys
How to open a man’s heart: 3 magic keys. It’s not straightforward to meet your man, and it’s not straightforward to always be loved by him as much as on the days of your first dates. Often, we find ourselves lost in relationships, with no hope of winning a man’s heart. In fact, there is nothing that cannot be fixed if you have patience and arm yourself with knowledge.
Often we—both men and women—make one mistake: we forget that we are different. We may have similar interests and views on life, but different needs and ways of self-expression. So let’s move on to the principles that will help you open the heart of your beloved man. Let’s call them conditional keys. There are actually many keys, but in this article we will analyze one bunch of three.
Remember that these keys will not help open a man’s heart if you only want to get, hack, or manipulate. Everything you do must come from the heart. You need to use these keys with all responsibility, love, and respect for yourself, your partner, and your relationship.
How to open a man’s heart: 1 key. A man is needed
Men are designed in such a way that they want to be needed; they want to be significant in this world and for the people they care about. Men need to see that their aspirations and goals are needed by someone and make someone happy. But if you can do absolutely everything yourself and neglect men, their help, and their knowledge, they see no point in being around you.
How do you show a man that he is needed?
– Keep silent about your desires, moods, plans, and what you expect from the relationship. Appropriate frankness is an important element of the key to opening the heart of your beloved man.
Hope that the man himself will guess what is important to you;
– Reject male help and say: “Okay, I’ll do it myself,”, especially after you have made a request;
– Say: “Could you do it?”
– Be indignant: “You never, nothing…”, because it simply does not happen that a man never does anything for you;
– Take on more work and responsibilities than necessary; in this case, men think that this is your desire and give you the field of activity;
Leave a man’s actions without gratitude and approval;
Thank a man with an action in response to what he has done.
– Talk about yourself so that the man gets to know you better, without fanaticism, of course;
– State your desires directly, talk about how you see the relationship;
– Give the man time to fulfill your request. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to open the man’s heart;
– Say: “I want…”, “I need… please do…”;
– Remind the man of what he did once and say how that act of his still warms you;
– Give the man a reason to perform a feat;
– Thank the man as often as possible. Gratitude is another important element of the key that helps open a man’s heart;
– Express gratitude to the man with words, sincere open admiration, a smile or a look.
How to open a man’s heart: 2 key. The man is free
With all their desire to be needed, men want to be free. They want to do everything voluntarily – when they are ready for it. And do it the way only they – men – can do: without prompting, how, why, for what. Opening your man’s heart will not be easy if showing how needed he is, prevents him from being free.
– Having voiced your request, demand immediate fulfillment and accuse the man of unwillingness to help;
– Explain for a long time why you need what you are asking for – the man begins to feel that he is being manipulated;
– Ask: “When are you already…”, “What, I have to do everything…”;
– Remind: “I told you so”, if he is mistaken. This will not open the man’s heart.
– Give the man time to fulfill your request, to distract himself;
– Make the explanation of “why” shorter than the request itself;
– Remind him of yourself as if for the first time, let him know that he is needed;
– Help the man reduce the importance of the mistake. Let him know that he can make mistakes, like any person, and everything is fixable;
– Give the man a feeling of lightness and freedom next to you.
How to open a man’s heart: 3 key. A man is accepted as he is
Do you feel like a man is not good enough and you think you can change him? Or do you build a relationship with a man, expecting that over time new qualities will be revealed in him, for which you will love him later. I’m afraid you will have to wait a long time. You can open the heart of your beloved man only by accepting him completely. Men begin to develop and change for the better only after they are accepted and loved as they are. If you feel that you are not strong enough to accept and you are unhappy, it is better to leave that man alone.
– Telling a man what he should become, comparing him with others, giving examples;
– Asking rhetorical questions: “How could you?”, “Is it really that hard?” After all, there are moments in our lives when we all act the way we do, make mistakes;
– Giving a man advice, especially unsolicited. Telling him what and how he should do. Your desire to help with advice may not always open a man’s heart;
– Running after a man when he moves away, shaking him and pulling him back into the relationship; Men are designed in such a way that sometimes they need to move away;
– Saying: “I’m waiting”;
– Making your happiness dependent on a man;
– Starting low self-esteem and complexes.
– Build a relationship with a man whose shortcomings do not bother you, and open the heart of such a man;
– If a man made a mistake, acted badly in your opinion, say that you did not expect such an act from him;
– If a man asks for advice, say that he knows better, he sees better, he is able to cope, you are there and will support him;
– Ask the man for advice;
– When a man distances himself, take care of yourself, your own affairs. The fact is that when a man comes back himself, his love for you becomes stronger;
– Let the man know that you are always glad to see him and his return;
– Learn to be happy separately from the man. This is the time that you can devote to yourself – isn’t it valuable?;
– Be delighted with yourself. It won’t be difficult for such a woman to open the heart of her beloved man;
– Sincerely support his thoughts, ideas and the fact that he can handle everything;
– Believe in the man, trust him – this helps the man develop and gives him strength for new achievements.
These keys work only when a man sees that you need him, and he is free and you accept him as he is. Then it will be easy for you to open a man’s heart. In order to use these keys, you need to show wisdom, love, sincerity and learn to be happy yourself. And even if it is more difficult, it is worth it.
Know yourself, know what you want from life, what makes you happy. Then you will be able to understand without much difficulty what the man next to you wants. Always remain yourself and let the person close to you feel like himself. Where there is mutual understanding, respect, trust and acceptance – there love develops. In such relationships it is easy to go through life together.