Most girls wait for the person who is meant for them without really doing anything but just sit there and expect for the best. Just like most love stories they watch on television, they believe that destiny has a way of leading their “future” boyfriend to where they are and they don’t really have to make an effort to try to find them.
However, the truth is, this is not the best way to meet the love of your life. In fact, waiting and not doing anything at all might even make you miss that rare opportunity of encountering them. If you don’t want this to happen, then you have to learn how to practically get a boyfriend.
Here are some confidence-boosting ways and tips to help you attract the right guy and the right relationship before it’s too late.
1. Know what you really want – and where to look.
You have to first know what kind of guy you want to have as a boyfriend. It seems like a simple step but it can actually be very difficult to answer. Girls often have their ideal image of the “perfect guy”, and most of the time, they base their standards on this.
While it’s great to have an idea about what type of guy you think you deserve, sometimes you fail to notice other people who actually want to be close to you. They may not be your definition of a prince charming but don’t you think they deserve a chance to prove themselves?
ALSO READ: 5 Reasons Why You Should Not Wait for Your Soulmate
2. Don’t be afraid to go out and have fun.
Stop staying at home on a Friday or a Saturday night if you really want to get a boyfriend. Hit the best places where you can have fun. It doesn’t have to be at a noisy and dark like a disco bar or a loud and overwhelming concert tour.
Travel, join a swim club, take part in a sporting event, and meet new people. Open yourself up to the world and the world will give you everything you want.
3. Pursue the hobbies and activities you like.
Just like what was mentioned in the previous section, your best chance to find a boyfriend is just to live your life to the fullest. Pursue the hobbies as well as the activities that you truly love. Aside from making you happy as an individual, it can also boost your confidence to try out new things: including dating and finally being in a relationship.
Becoming the best version of yourself by mastering the skills and talents that contribute to your uniqueness is definitely attractive.
4. Be your best self – physically and emotionally.
Speaking of becoming the best version of yourself, try to be both physically and emotionally healthy. How? Take care of yourself and be more kind to yourself. These are the first steps that will help you learn how to love yourself – and eventually, have more love to share with another person.
You’ll attract a potential boyfriend if you are at your best self, so make sure that you don’t take yourself for granted.
ALSO READ: 40 Ways to Love Yourself
5. Consult reliable relationship and dating advice.
Don’t just get a relationship or dating advice from anyone or anywhere – make sure they are credible and reliable. Remember that the pieces of advice that you should follow should be more focused on the positive side of your experience. However, it’s also important that they are realistic and practical.
6. Don’t just rely on online dating apps.
While many love stories have begun through online dating applications and websites, it’s not the only way to find a good and reliable boyfriend. Sometimes, online dating can even do more harm than good, especially If you are not careful.
Beware of the dangers of online dating and make sure to consult with a friend if you ever decide to go out with someone you met online.
ALSO READ: 11 Tips for Your First Date after Meeting Online
7. Get out there and meet new people.
Instead of just relying on dating apps, you can try to go out there and meet real people, in person, instead of just hoping for someone you only see through online photos and talk with via chatboxes.
It can be tough especially if it’s your first time, but try to open yourself to the possibility of meeting new people in your life. Friendship is a very good foundation for a great relationship, so maybe try to give that guy who has been bugging you to hang out a chance?
8. Be expressive and be open-minded.
Don’t close your doors to people who are trying to be close to you. Who knows what interesting things you might discover once you finally get to know them better?
In fact, most people actually met their partners in the most unexpected chances.
9. Say YES to those reunion invites.
Stop rejecting invitations from your old college or high school classmates. What if you have actually met the one for you but you were just too caught up in school that you didn’t notice? What if you still have the chance to finally rekindle that lost love with the one who (almost) got away?
10. Focus on the things that you’re good at.
If you want to attract a potential boyfriend, you have to focus on highlighting the things that you are good at. By showing the world how you are fully happy and fulfilled with what you have and with who you are, it’s just so easy for others to take notice, and for others to eventually want to be a part of it.
11. Break free from the limits of your comfort zone.
Go out and fly free, because that is the only way that you can truly live your life and find someone to spend it with. While your comfort zone can make you feel safe and secure, staying in it for a long time also means that you’re preventing yourself from meeting that one person who is meant for you.
Other than looks and style, self-confidence can be the most attractive asset that you can have to finally meet the love of your life. Don’t just wait and sit there – explore the things that make you feel happy, experience the world with your own eyes, and just live life to the fullest.
By following these pieces of advice, you are not only attracting the right people in your life, you are also shaping yourself to be the best person that you can be.