Don’t you wish you would have appreciated childhood more than you did? You probably hated taking naps, and now you wish you could have enough time in your busy schedule to take one. And as a teenager, you didn’t want your parents telling you what to do, but now you call them for advice all the time.
Ahhhh, adulthood. We all get there eventually, but it’s not always easy. Some people adapt to it easier than others, but it is an adjustment for everyone.
Here’s how to be an adult
No one took a class called “How to Be an Adult 101,” although I’m sure most of us wish we had. If our parents don’t teach us, then it’s up to us to figure it out on our own. So, if you are left wondering how to be an adult lately, let’s take a look.
#1 Stop blaming other people. This is huge. And I mean HUGE. Granted, most adults do blame other people. But it’s not a mature thing to do. Emotionally mature people do not point the fingers at other people all the time.
#2 Pay your bills on time. This one is probably obvious. But do you know how many people have a crappy credit score? Or how many people have bill collectors knocking on their door? A lot. Way too many.
So, you don’t want to be one of those people. Your credit score is so important. If you ever want to buy a car, a house, or do a lot of other things, you will need to have a high credit score. And that comes from paying your bills… on time, every time.
#3 Do your best at all times. Yes, it’s easy to be lazy and selfish. But that’s what children do. And parents have to try to teach them to think about other people’s feelings, not just their own.
So, if you want to know how to be an adult, then you should do you best in your relationships, your job, and well, in pretty much every area of your life.
#4 Take personal responsibility. This goes hand-in-hand with blaming. You, and you alone, are responsible for every aspect of your life. Sure, you can’t control other people’s behavior, but you can control your own. So, you need to be self-reflective and think about how your actions played a part in any given scenario in life.
#5 Treat others with respect. You have heard of The Golden Rule… we all have. But how many of us actually practice it? Treating others the way you want to be treated… it sounds easy, right? So why is it so difficult for a lot of people? But if you want to know how to be an adult, you need to treat everyone – from the CEO to the janitor – with respect.
#6 Control your anger. A mature adult knows how to control their anger. They don’t let their emotions get the best of them. Yes, we all feel anger. But if you really want to know how to be an adult, then you have to learn to walk away from situations before you open your mouth and regret it. Take a breather and get perspective.
#7 Have a life plan. If you are just going where the wind blows, you then you don’t know how to be an adult. Mature people know what they want out of life, where they’re going, and how to get there. So, sit down with yourself and figure out what you really want out of life.
#8 Take care of yourself – mentally and physically. I know, I know. Most adults in the world are overweight and over-stressed. But in order to be a happy, healthy, productive member of society, you owe it to yourself and the world to take care of yourself. Eat right. Exercise. Take a mental health vacation.
#9 Don’t drink and drive. This should be obvious. But how many times have you or someone you know gotten into a car after drinking? I think we all have. But mature, responsible adults know that drinking and driving can spell disaster.
#10 Don’t procrastinate. Once again, I know there are tons of adult procrastinators out there in the world. However, procrastinating doesn’t positively affect anyone.