Just because you might be experiencing the panic of first date jitters, does not mean that it is a bad thing. It just means your emotions are running wild and full of anticipation of what is to come. This is what is called dating anxiety. And it’s exciting to date, knowing you might develop a relationship with this person.
It’s great to put yourself out there in the dating pool, to learn what you want and what you definitely don’t want in a relationship. That’s what first dates are about after all. Weeding out the ones you’re not into, in favor of ones you might potentially start a relationship with.
It’s the fact this person you’re going on a date with might be your next significant other that gives you these anxiety-inducing feelings!
Things we feel nervous about on a first date
Are your nerves on edge right before you head to that date? Don’t worry, these feelings are pretty common!
#1 Deciding on what to wear. You may not have the super chic, awesome closet that Cher does in Clueless to help you pick out a great first date outfit, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have the ability to wear something amazing.
We all know deciding what to wear is a huge process. We try on too many outfits to count, constantly analyzing ourselves in the mirror over and over again.
#2 Breath check. We’ve all had bad breath at one point or another. It’s safe to say we also know how terrible it feels *and smells*.
If you are going on a first date, you’d probably brush your teeth about 10 times. Of course, once you’re on your date, you’ll constantly find yourself wondering if your breath smells.
#3 Fear of being stood up. If you’ve ever watched any 80s movies, you are familiar with the panic that comes with being stood up. No one wants to be stood up. It doesn’t matter if your date is supposed to meet you somewhere or pick you up. When you’re waiting for someone to show up and they aren’t exactly on time, a minute feels like an hour.
If your date is worthy of your time, they’ll pick you up or meet you right on time. If something happens to make them late, they definitely call or text you to give you a head’s up.
#4 Kissing capabilities. One of the biggest panics of a first date includes wondering if there will be an end of the night first kiss, and if so, what it will be like. This takes up a lot of room in your brain during your conversation, but it’s important to remain cool, calm, and collected.
And if your date doesn’t go in for a kiss at the end of the night, it doesn’t mean they don’t like you. Maybe they just want to take it slow, or maybe they were too nervous.
#5 Embarrassment. No one likes being embarrassed, especially on a first date. Sometimes things happen that we really have no control over. Obviously, you don’t want to be the one who walks out of the restroom with toilet paper stuck to their shoe. And you don’t want spinach stuck between your teeth while animatedly talking to your date.
#6 Worrying. Worrying is like a rocking chair, it keeps you occupied while getting you nowhere. If you constantly wonder what your date thinks of you—if you chose the right outfit, if they’re going to pay for your meal, or anything else—you won’t be able to really enjoy your date. Remember it’s a first date, and it’s okay to be nervous.
#7 Nervous nitpicking. First date anxiety leads to bouts of insecurity. One of the worst ways you battle insecurity is by nitpicking your date’s flaws to make you feel better. No one is perfect. If you have a checklist of requirements the person you want to end up with has to meet, you’ll probably not find them.