
9 Reasons Why A Relationship Won’t Work Despite Feelings

We hate to hear it, we hate to admit it, but unfortunately sometimes love is not enough to make a relationship last. 

Of course, it is essential, but it is only one piece of the puzzle.

There are other crucial pieces that need to come together to form a whole. 

What we usually forget is an obvious thing, that love requires two people – two who make efforts, who invest equally, and meet halfway. 

We fail in our relationships every time we think that loving so deeply will be enough for two.

It never is. There will always be something missing. 

Take a look at the 9 most common reasons why your relationship won’t work, even if your feelings are real:

1. Your plans for the future are not the same

He does not see himself married. You cannot imagine living in the countryside.

One of you does not want to have children and the other cannot imagine a future without them. 

And no matter how you feel about each other, at some point you will have to face the fact that you will be unhappy if you are signing up for a life you don’t really want.

2. There are trust issues that cannot be resolved

We all know that relationships are not sustainable if there is no trust. 

Yet sometimes we try to do our best to restore that trust, to make things work, because we care so much about each other and don’t want to let go. 

When someone betrays us or makes us doubt him in any way, there is always a seed of doubt that remains permanently implanted that it is difficult to get rid of.

Sooner or later you will see that there is no other option than to break up.

3. His family won’t accept you

It’s a hard pill to swallow because it has nothing to do with you two or your love, but it ruins your relationship anyway. 

There are mothers, for example, who think that no one is good enough for their sons.

There are also situations in which certain family members want to make you look like a bad person. 

If he is close and attached to his family and he cannot stand up to them when they mistreat you or silence them when they try to fill his head with nonsense, it will only be a matter of time before they can separate you.

4. Each day is more dramatic than the last

You pray for a drama-free relationship, but it seems impossible.

You and your partner are on the back of each other 24/7 and you always have new things about what to argue about or at least argue at length. 

You don’t even remember the last time you had an entire week of peace and harmony. 

After a day or two of calm, the storms are coming again and you are generally sadder than happy. 

Despite all the undeniable love you share, you are simply not compatible. 

You are unable to see things in the same light and there is probably no chance that you will ever get there.

5. “Is it really my love forever?” Keeps ringing in your head

There are certain things that don’t work in your relationship, no matter how much you try or how much you invest. 

You feel like everything is coming from your side and that he is not an active participant. 

You love, but you don’t know if you are loved the same way and it kills you slowly. 

This is why you are unable to get rid of the impression that there may be something better. 

Trust your guts. The fact is that when we have met our love forever, we no longer even ask ourselves the question, we just know it. 

Not everything is perfect, but two people who want to stay together and love each other unconditionally are what makes the difference.

6. You cannot cross the physical distance

Relationships can be difficult. Long distance relationships can be even more difficult.

It is extremely difficult to maintain a relationship when you do not live in the same city, the same country or even see the same continent. 

If you don’t plan to live in the same place someday, if none of you are ready to move, then you’re only delaying the inevitable. 

You can’t be a remote couple forever, can you?

7. Lust is an unknown concept in your relationship

Somewhere along the way, the s exual tensions ceased to exist and now you are just two friends who share an apartment or else prevent each other from ending up alone. This is not the real deal. 

The other possible scenario is that you entered this relationship because you developed strong feelings of friendship for this certain person and you thought that the spark would ignite later.

I’m sorry to tell you, but it will never happen. 

Chemistry, desire, attraction and s ex are what separate a relationship from friendship, and although they are not the most important components, they play a big role.

8. He is jealous

I believe there is a fair amount of jealousy in every relationship and that is more than correct. 

It can even be flattering at times. But once this healthy limit is crossed, a relationship can turn into hell. 

If your partner wants to know your every move, gets upset every time you speak with someone of the opposite s ex, accuses you of deception for no good reason, you could say that he is too jealous and that he mentally chokes you. 

9. It is abusive

It goes without saying that this is an unhealthy relationship and that you should get out as soon as possible if you find yourself in any situation of abuse. 

We hear many women say that they love their abuser despite all the mental or physical harm they inflict on them. 

It is really difficult to break the unhealthy bond they feel, but the sooner it is done, the better. 

True love will never harm you in any way; everything else is just a lie.

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