5 Steps to Finally Getting the Love You Deserve
Have you ever felt that no matter what you do for someone, they still don’t appreciate it? And, a person who doesn’t show gratitude and doesn’t show that they appreciate their partner is silently killing the relationship.
Unfortunately, this often happens unconsciously, due to our crazy pace of life. We forget to show our other halves how important they are to us. If you suffer from this, then here is how to get what you want from a relationship:
1. Don’t get personal.
Think about the problem, not the person. Give them the benefit of the doubt: think positively about them, that they want to make you happy, but for some reason, they can’t. This approach will make the situation much easier to resolve than thinking that they don’t love you and don’t want to make you happy.
Usually, we feel unloved not because the other person doesn’t love us, but because we are both very busy and don’t find time for emotional intimacy.
We make our closest people suffer from such feelings because we believe that they should know without words what we feel. But this is not true. Just as you want to hear that you are loved and appreciated, so does your chosen one. Do not take everything personally, but first evaluate the circumstances that led to this result.
2. Think about your behavior.
If you want to hear certain things from your partner, make sure you tell them the same things. Don’t fall into the trap of “If they don’t tell me, I won’t either” – it’s a vicious cycle that’s hard to break.
Be able to see what else a person does for you, focus on it, thank them, and tell them how important it is to you. This will only inspire them to do even more.
3. Control negative emotions.
You may be hurt, you may be angry, but if you make fun of him, ridicule him, or tease him, it will not motivate him to do what you want. Remove the bile and bitterness from your communication.
4. Discuss it tactfully.
Sometimes we expect something from a relationship, but we don’t talk about it because we think that our partner will read our minds. But how can you change something you don’t know? Gently share your feelings, and what you would like.
5. Determine if your relationship is changing.
After completing the items on this list, give it time and then see if anything has changed. If you still don’t feel loved and appreciated, maybe the issue needs to be addressed head-on.