
What to Live About with You? Why Women Over 40 Start Hating Men

What is there to live about with you? Why do women over 40 start to hate men, and aging men become misogynists? I am happy to note that feminism is becoming fashionable among women in Russia, and now admitting to patriarchal views can slightly tarnish one’s reputation.

Given the desperate situation with domestic violence, girls must grow up knowing that they have a right to equality, respect, and safety.  But next to the most beautiful movement, there are always people who take the idea to the point of absurdity.
I see a lot of women around who hate men, but the worst thing is that they call themselves feminists and discredit the phenomenon. 

Why Women Over 40 Start Hating Men. Why Men and Women Hate Each Other

If we talk about a collective image, then usually it is a desperate woman over forty who buried her dreams of love and solemnly cursed men. Every man in her version is a creature weak but evil, lustful but powerless, full of vices but devoid of even negative charm; he is not allowed to do anything—be interested in women, approach children, count on politeness.

These angry ladies have always existed, but they didn’t previously attach themselves to feminism, and now they are trying to legitimize their hatred, hiding behind correct ideas, and this is offensive.

In essence, aggression is a pure consequence of frustration; they now devalue what they have been unsuccessfully striving for the previous thirty years and can take out their irritation on nasty men and more successful women.

Male-age misogyny has a slightly different nature. No matter how many adventures and relationships he has had in his life, one day it turns out that the world of big sex is lost for a man: he is no longer good for young girls, he has not made enough money to increase his attractiveness, and even if he manages to lure someone into bed, he risks not being able to cope. He will especially not cope with a peer because her body is not perfect, and the youthful testosterone that allows him not to notice this is long gone.

And the man finds himself in a garden of green grapes and inedible pumpkins: some won’t give, with others he simply can’t. And how can one not feel hatred amidst these tantalizing torments? Girls are declared selfish fools, and mature ones are denied the right to be called women at all.

Such a man constantly tells her what a woman must do (spoiler: everything), how she should look to rekindle his dying sensuality, and dictates to her the meaning of life—to catch a male (him, that is).

Much is said about the fact that marriage is of no use to anyone and that a woman over thirty-five is acceptable in this world only as a grandmother.

Here you begin to understand the man-haters from the previous paragraph—they love to talk about these types, implying that everyone around is like that, and denying the wonderful, strong men who are the majority but who do not shout so loudly and enjoy maturity and adult love.

I have thought a lot about why this dreary reality forms in the minds of older people who used to be passionate, sensitive, and sensual. Often, the hotter they were in their youth, the more quarrelsome they are now.

And I think I found the answer. These are those who have not matured and have not learned to interact and coexist.

Previously, everything was covered up by hormonal surges, neuroses mistaken for love, or the zombie program “get married and have children.”

The immature but rotten girls and boys are confused: they don’t want her anymore, and he can’t do it anymore—so what to do now?

They don’t understand that if they can’t fuck you until their blisters bleed (and fall in love until their dream turns pink), then what’s there to live for with you?

They simply have not grown and developed the apparatus that allows them to love and respect another person; they essentially do not know how to communicate and get along outside of bed.

This construction, “Why do I need a man/woman in the house?” is not outrageous; they sincerely do not understand.

Why value another person? What kind of intimacy can there be above the waist? What can you do together in a vertical position?

They still need sex, but not as acutely, so the unsatisfied desire becomes a kind of constant irritant, which is still not worth having a permanent partner—well, you slept with him, so what, talk about it?

Be interested in his world? Learn to live side by side. Delve into other people’s desires? Find common goals? How and why?

It’s easier to go into hatred and denial of any meaning of the other sex. And those who know how to live in a couple, to declare henpecked husbands, dick hunters, or backward patriarchal personalities. 

And this time I don’t even have a positive ending, which is a pity. I would like there to be a way to grow up and mature in old age.

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