Shallow Individual Alert – 20 Shallow Traits They Just Can Not Conceal

A superficial person is all about the surface. That means they couldn’t care less about what is going on underneath. Superficial people care about one person only, and that’s themselves.

Of course, you can guess that this type of person is not very much fun to be around. You can’t really rely upon them too much – a superficial person isn’t going to be your lifesaver, your emergency contact, or the person you contact if you ever need anything. A relationship with them is all about what you can provide for them.

Superficial person alert! 20 Traits they just can’t hide

Being superficial seems like you get the best with giving very little. What it really means is you aren’t being genuine, real, or all that nice. Instead of being superficial, you might want to dig a little deeper to find the real you lurking underneath.

1. They go where the wind blows

Yep, a superficial person doesn’t have an opinion or conviction that can’t be swayed, convinced out of, or just eradicated without much pressure. A superficial person can’t be bothered with caring about a “cause” or anything that really exists outside of them.

2. Has friends because of what they can do for them

Superficial people only want to be with people who have something to contribute. A relationship is one-sided and all about the inequity that flows continually in their favor.

3. More concerned about their looks than their goodness

All about appearances, a superficial person is all about what they look like on the outside and not what is in their heart. Goodness is only good if they do it to get something.

4. They smile when talking but look you up and down

The emotion they display doesn’t necessarily match what they think. A good “Bless your heart,” and they are all good to rip you to shreds the moment you aren’t within ear’s distance.

5. Gossip is about as deep as they get

If they have something to contribute it is typically “Did you hear about…”

Gossip is about as deep that a superficial person goes in conversation. ‘Cause they use the guise of “I am really worried about ___.” They worry about nothing but having a juicy story to tell that puts them in the heart of attention.

6. They have nothing to add to, well, anything

You know when you have a conversation? There is something called “adding a little.” That is not anything that a superficial person ever does. They don’t even listen to what you have to say because they don’t care what you have to say. They probably just like watching your lips move.

7. Their goal is simply “me”

If it doesn’t benefit the big one “ME,” then I am not going to throw any energy or anything into the prize.

8. If it isn’t name branded they aren’t wearing it

All about the labels, not only will they not wear anything that doesn’t have a famous label on it, they look down on anyone who isn’t doing the same. Existing is all about looking your best, so you best look your best by wearing expensive shit.

9. Will do anything for “all eyes on me”

A superficial person exists on attention. If they aren’t getting it, they do whatever it takes to get all eyes on them. Overreacting, being a drama queen, starting rumors, it makes no difference, it is all about having the adoration of everyone around them.

10. Nothing is ever genuine besides their purse

The only thing that is genuine about a superficial person is their brand name purse. Trust it, there is no such thing as a knockoff in a superficial person’s world.

11. Their iCloud has reached full capacity due to their selfies

If you can’t decide which is the best selfie to post today, then check yourself, you are probably superficial.

12. Their social media persona is the only one that exists

There is a social media persona that people create, and then there is the real person who is about a tenth of the intensity of the persona created. If you and your social media persona are the same, you just might not be genuine, which makes you superficial.

13. They chat it up, but when it is your turn to talk they tune out

A conversational narcissist has all the makings of a superficial person. The only interesting thing they find are those things that involve them. So, if you start talking to a superficial person, they hijack the conversation, so it always comes back to “me.”

14. They date someone to increase their status, not because they like or even know them

A superficial person dates someone just to up their own status. It makes no difference if there is a connection or s*xual attraction. If you can move me up the social ladder, I’m all yours!

15. They are all about the backhanded compliment and probably don’t even know it

Superficial people have absolutely no self-awareness, so a backhanded compliment is about as nice as they get. If they have something nice to say, it always has to be followed by something to squash you.

Superficial people have no cause but to further themselves in some fashion. If they wear a logo for a cause, it is likely just because it is in fashion.

17. You unfollow them to stop your phone going off every two minutes with an update

A superficial person believes that the world revolves around them. Therefore, you want to see what they are having for lunch, what they are doing at all times, and want to know every second what their status is.

18. They are always around when they need something

But when you actually need something, they are “totally busy… sorry!”

19. Your problems irritate them

A problem is likely met with an eye roll and a signal that says “you waste my time with your insignificant problem.”

20. If you aren’t cool anymore, you’re a ghost

If you can’t further a superficial person, don’t be surprised if they ghost you or can’t be bothered being your friend anymore.


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