Relationship Advice: Why Men Never Apologize: 5 Reasons And What To Do
Why Men Never Apologize: 5 Reasons and What to Do Your man has screwed up and you are waiting for him to apologize so you can hug, kiss and forget about the misunderstanding.
But how does it usually happen? It can last for hours, and everything doesn’t go as you’d like. Yes, even research by scientists confirms that it’s very difficult for men to apologize. And it’s all about gender differences.
1. He doesn’t feel like he deserves an apology.
Scientists note that it’s not that men don’t want to apologize; they just have a “higher threshold” for what they consider necessary to apologize for. In other words, they have their own definition of bad and offensive behavior, which may differ from yours.
2. He doesn’t feel the same way about apologizing as you do.
Not even close. Women usually apologize for everything and very easily. They use it to get closer to people, to establish contact, and to maintain relationships. Men do not apologize for things they do not see as their fault. They will not just throw these words around.
3. Apologizing makes him feel weak and powerless.
This takes him out of his comfort zone. For him, it is like humiliation, falling flat on his face. The man thinks that if he admits that he did something wrong, it will diminish him in the eyes of others, especially in the eyes of his beloved woman, in front of whom he always wants to be a hero.
And it doesn’t matter that it affects you in a completely different way: you think that his pride is more important to him than your feelings and that if he admitted his guilt, he would prove his love for you. But it was not so.
4. Childhood, emotional trauma, and complexes.
Maybe as a child he was forced to apologize for every little thing, and now, as an adult, he decided that he would never do that again.
Or maybe he had a bad experience in a past relationship when his constant apologies never led to anything good.
5. He believes that actions speak louder than words.
He brings flowers, washes the dishes, and texts you to show you he’s thinking about you. This is his silent apology. It’s hard for him to say it in words, but he can show it in action.
In any case, if your feelings are hurt and you are not satisfied with his response, here is what you need to do:
Tell him about it.
Don’t let the hurt build up. Remember that he may not even see anything to apologize for and may not have realized that it hurt you so much. So don’t think he can read your mind; just tell him how you feel.
Don’t demand an apology. on’t force these words out of him; you’ll only make the situation worse.
Accept his apology with dignity. on’t finfault;t, don’t lecture; otherwise, you’ll never hear an apology from him again.
Just say, “Apology accepted,” and give him a hug. Once he sees that you appreciated his gesture, he’ll be more inclined to apologize next time.