If you want to impress the woman of your dreams, you have to make an effort to be the best man that you can be. That isn’t to say that you need to have a movie-star profile or a boatload of money. All you need to do is be yourself. However, you need to get rid of the bad habits that turn women off the most.
Why do you need to get rid of these bad habits?
A bad habit is exactly what it is: a habit. Because of that, you have the ability to turn around and develop good habits to counteract the bad. You are not essentially changing your whole personality. You are simply improving on what’s already there, by disposing of the bad traits that you possess.
Women are sensitive beings, and they catch on to these types of traits pretty quickly. Even if they like your appearance, they will not hesitate to dump you if you possess bad habits that can ruin your relationship.
These habits are not only harmful to your body, but they can also inflict damage on your personality and well-being. These bad habits include vices and disagreeable characteristics. Before you start to work on impressing your lady with your good traits, you need to rid yourself of all the bad habits that most of them don’t like.
#1 Smoking. This is the number one pet peeve of non-smoking women. There are more non-smokers than chain smokers out there, and should you encounter one, they won’t hesitate to call you out about smelling like an ashtray.
#2 Excessive drinking. Alcoholism is a disease, but frequent drinking can also be detrimental to your love life. A woman will take your excessive inebriation as a sign of irresponsibility or as a lack of seriousness. It’s okay to drink now and then, but drinking extreme amounts of alcohol is not attractive at all.
#3 Drug use. There is a big debate whether marijuana is harmful, but putting that aside, any sort of drug abuse is intolerable for most women. Just as it is with alcohol, a woman who knows that you use recreational drugs on a regular basis will not approve of your lifestyle, including your spending habits as many recreational drugs don’t run cheap.
#4 Low self-esteem. Women want men who know what they’re doing. They can’t be bothered to hold you up when they have problems of their own. A man with low self-esteem is just as bad as a woman with the same problem. You can’t achieve anything in life if you’re too timid to go get it yourself.
#5 Bad hygiene. Don’t believe the hype that women love a grungy type of guy. They may want ruggedly handsome men, but when the rugged part gets too real, they will back out. They want someone who is clean and free of germs. Smelling bad and looking bad will alert them to the possibility that you have an infectious disease.
#6 Arrogance. Knowing you look good is different from shoving the fact in other people’s faces. Even if you have money, a woman won’t appreciate it if you blatantly throw it around to impress her. If you’re a gifted person, be humble about it. Be generous, but not petty. Be selfless, but not condescending. Arrogance doesn’t get you anything but an eye roll.
#7 Indifference. A woman wants someone that they can have a connection with. You might be shy or distracted, but being indifferent to your girl can send a different message. Not only is it hurtful, it makes them think that you aren’t invested in having a relationship, after all.
#8 Lack of compassion and empathy. Being nice is a requirement, but you don’t have to fake it by holding an old lady’s hand while she crosses the road. You need to be empathic about what goes on around you and act accordingly whenever problems arise. If you ignore the seriousness of any situation, your partner will think that you don’t care at all.
#9 Lack of potential. Being unemployed does not mean that you are undeserving of love, but a woman will not tolerate it if you don’t have any plans of turning your situation around. They don’t care if you earn more than they do. They just want a man who has a dream and knows how to survive, without depending on anybody else.
#10 Lack of determination. Being complacent is a turn-off as well. Women don’t like it when men give up before they even try anything new. You could call it lazy, unimaginative, or unmotivated – whatever it is, a woman won’t stand for a man who is not proactive.
#11 Laziness. It’s the same as a lack of determination, but only on a basic level. Women don’t like guys who just lie around waiting for someone else to do their job for them. Whether it’s chores, their job or raising a family, women don’t like it when men don’t take their responsibilities seriously.
#12 Dependence. If a guy has to take hand-outs or charity from family or anyone else, a woman won’t be inclined to put her life in that person’s hands. A man has to be independent in a sense that he can provide for himself, as well as his future family. If bad luck prevents that from happening, a woman will appreciate it if a guy tries to support himself on his own two feet.
#12 Insensitivity. There are inherently bad people, and there are people who end up looking bad. The latter are those who don’t take other people’s feelings into consideration, no matter how good their intentions are. You must always be courteous and refrain from offending other people because of your lack of empathy.
#13 Tactlessness. A tactless person is the same as an insensitive person. However, tactlessness causes resentment because of the hurtful things people say. If a man can’t determine whether something they want to imply is hurtful, it can cause distrust within a relationship. A girl might even take it as a sign of aggression, even if you didn’t mean to hurt them with your words.
#14 Cruelty. This covers a wide range of personality problems. A man who aims to purposely hurt a person with his words or actions is undeserving of his partner’s affections. A woman will not subject herself to a demeaning situation just for love. That is why you should strive to become a good person who would never hurt other people for personal gain.
All of these traits apply to women as well, but most of these are the main complaints of women in general. Guys have a different set of standards for women, but girls are pickier when it comes to guys and their habits.
If you want to impress a girl, don’t change your personality. Just change the things that aren’t good about you. Flaws exist to make you human, but the things that make us bad people should be fixed or disposed of.