20 Tips to Make a Man Obsessed with You. Just super! Worth taking note of! For many years, gurus Ellen Fein and Sherry Schneider analyzed the behavior of women who were happy in their personal lives—those who had many admirers, who married successfully and were happy in their marriage.
Oprah Winfrey called their bestseller “Rules for Winning the Heart of the Man of Your Dreams” a phenomenon and invited the authors to her talk show twice. People magazine included the book in the must-read category, and glossy magazines called it the best publication about relationships. Over the 20 years of the “Rules” existence, millions of women have been able to experience their absolute effectiveness. They received relationships full of love and respect, which flowed into a happy and strong marriage.
Following the advice from this book, Kate Middleton married a prince, and Blake Lively won the hearts of more than one Hollywood bachelor. In “New Rules,” the writers help modern women and girls communicate via Facebook, Skype, SMS, etc., and at the same time remain mysterious, maintain a man’s hunter instinct when there is so much “easy prey” around him, and get married in an era when everyone lives in civil marriages and is in no hurry to take responsibility.
Don’t try to change a man and teach him how to live. Do this after he marries you!
Men love a challenge and lose interest when the object of that interest—especially a woman—comes too easy. The secret to getting a guy: Be a challenge. Treat him as if you don’t care about him; urge Ellen Fein and Sherry Schneider.
It is necessary to create an atmosphere of mystery and make a man passionately desire to meet you, which is very rare these days. “Rules” are a way of communicating with any man (provided that he first started a conversation with you, in person or online), thanks to which he becomes obsessed with you and ready for a serious relationship.
How to Marry the Man of Your Dreams
1. Be a girl who is different from the rest and look like a girl who is different from the rest.
2. Don’t approach a man first and don’t start a conversation; don’t call or text a man first.
3. Don’t ask men out on a date via text, social media, or any other means.
4. Wait at least 4 hours before responding to a man’s first message, and at least half an hour before responding to each subsequent message.
5. “Let’s talk/text later”: always finish everything first—and disappear from sight!
6. Don’t answer SMS or any other messages after midnight.
7. Don’t accept a Saturday date later than Wednesday. “Proper girls” lead busy lives. Surely you’ve already made your weekend plans before Thursday rolls around! If he asks you out too late, don’t scold him. Just say you’re sorry, but you’re busy.
8. Stay away from his social media profiles and rarely post on his wall.
9. Make yourself “invisible” to instant messaging. Even if nothing is going on in your life, you don’t want to let the guy know by instantly replying to his messages. Like any other form of communication, he should wait for an opportunity to talk to you. He’s going to have to work hard to be interesting to you.
Don’t deprive a man of this opportunity by immediately replying to messages and sitting online for hours! Remember, you have your own life (school, work, friends, hobbies, training, and, hopefully, dates), and only 10 minutes and no more are left for chatting. If a guy has a lot to tell you and a lot to ask, he can do it during a date!
10. Don’t spend time with him 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
11. Long-distance relationships: let him offer to communicate more often on Skype and visit you.
12. Don’t text men first; ignore emoticons and winks on online dating sites.
13. Don’t pay for dinner or buy his love in any way.
14. Don’t be self-destructive by dating married men. If he wants to see you, tell him to call you when he’s single. After that, no communication, forget him, say “next!” and focus on finding truly single men.
15. Don’t date a man who cancels your dates more than once.
16. Don’t send a man anything that you wouldn’t be happy to leave with him if you broke up.
17. Don’t agree to one-night stands and meaningless relationships.
18. Don’t rush into sleeping with a man. A “good girl” makes a guy wait to help him fall in love with her, her soul, her essence—and not just her body. The longer you delay sex, the longer he will be able to court you, plan romantic dates, and dream about you. Men love difficulties and do not appreciate anything that comes too easy for them, especially when it comes to s*x!
19. Don’t date a man without commitment! If your relationship lasts more than a year and it is “correct” (you allowed the man to “chase you,” met him no more than 2-3 times a week, refused to spend holidays with him, did not move in with him), then you helped him fall in love with you and want to get married.
A man wants to see you more and more. But if after a year of dating a man has not asked you to marry him, you should tell him that you are a girl of old-fashioned upbringing and are not going to date anyone forever. If he starts making excuses, suggest taking a break from the relationship. Ask him to think about it alone and call when he is ready for commitment.
20. Stop dating a man if he doesn’t give you a romantic gift for your birthday or Valentine’s Day, or forgets about these dates altogether.