Relationship Advice: If He Stops Calling and Texting, Do One of These 7 Things In 2025
If He Stops Calling and Texting, Do One of These 7 Things. Either way, if you’re not getting a response, bombarding him with texts is the worst thing you can do. Experiencing a sudden disappearance of your partner in a romantic relationship is the most frustrating thing. Maybe he stops texting. Or he says he’ll call you back, but never does. And when a guy doesn’t call or text you back, it can drive you crazy.
So he’s avoiding you. What should you do? In either scenario, it’s hard to decide what to do. The confident part of your brain wants to believe that something inevitable (but not dangerous) has happened. For example, his phone is dead, or he’s swamped at work and busy with things he can’t control. Maybe his phone is broken and your text message didn’t get through. Maybe he tried to call and you didn’t even know it.
However, another part of the brain—the unhappy one—assumes the worst-case scenarios, leading to feelings of rejection. So what to do if your boyfriend has disappeared? What should you do to get him to call or text you back?
If he stops calling and texting, do one of these 7 things:
To begin with, we suggest using the tips listed below. They will help you in any case.
1. Stop bombarding him with messages.
If someone doesn’t text you back, bombarding them with messages is the worst thing you can do. It’s the easiest and fastest way to push them away.
I know it can be annoying not to get in touch, but don’t bombard someone with messages and calls. Don’t message them on Facebook, Instagram, or any other social media. Don’t message their friends to see if they’re with them. It shows desperation and makes you look a little crazy.
2. Send him one simple message (or two, but that’s the limit!).
There’s nothing wrong with asking him how he’s doing once or twice. If he doesn’t text you back within three days or says he’ll call you back but never does, send him a simple, playful text.
Keep your tone simple. If you text him a crazy, demanding text, he will definitely not respond.
3. If possible, meet in person.
Try to meet him in person. By meeting him, you will be able to pick up his vibes and mood. It will also give you the opportunity to dress up to grab his attention.
All men are visual (and so are women, but that’s not the point) and sometimes need a friendly reminder of how fantastic you are. You’ll know something’s wrong if he acts unusually or avoids you.
4. Be careful who you complain to.
I understand that all of this is upsetting and literally driving you crazy. Just be cautious about who you confide in. I wouldn’t complain to any mutual friends because everything you say could get back to your partner, which will only add to the drama and make you look bad.
It is better to talk to your close friends whom you know well and whom you can trust. But you should not tell everyone around you about your problems.
5. Don’t write about it on social networks.
Again, don’t put your personal life out there for everyone to see. It’s between you and him, no one else. Don’t write nasty comments on Twitter or vague Facebook statuses that are obviously related to him and your current relationship situation.
It may seem like this will get his attention and make him call or text you, but in reality it will once again show your immaturity and obsession. This will completely push him away.
6. Don’t just sit and wait for him.
When a guy avoids you, I understand how easy it can be to become obsessed while you’re just waiting for him to text you. However, you don’t have to wait around for him.
Don’t stare at your phone or run to it every time it makes a sound. Live your life and try to push it to the back of your mind.
7. Move on and accept the loss.
If he never pays attention to what you do, just forget about him and move on.
By ignoring him and keeping your distance, you’ll convey a more powerful message than any lengthy text about his lack of respect. If he doesn’t respect you enough to respond, then he’s not worth your time.