
11 Actions That Are Actually Worse Than Cheating.

Relationship Advice: 11 Actions That Are Actually Worse Than Cheating.

11 Things That Are Actually Worse Than Cheating While cheating is a swift and unquestionable method to destroy a relationship, there are numerous other actions that are equally, if not more, detrimental to the happiness of a family.

11 actions that are actually worse than cheating:

1. Lie and hide something from your partner.

Even if you do it in the name of love to protect someone else’s feelings, hiding something can turn into a big problem that you will regret later.

You should have a relationship where you can tell each other as much as possible. If you are hiding something that could hurt the other person’s feelings, then you shouldn’t have done it in the first place.

2. Not being completely attached to a person.

Attachment means being sensitive, asking each other questions about important things, and helping each other in difficult situations. If you are not so attached to a person, if he does not feel you near, this is irreparable harm to the relationship.

3. Quiet discontent.

By the time you express your pent-up dissatisfaction with something, the damage to the relationship will already have been done. Concealing something, thinking that it is better to endure and remain silent—is almost always the wrong tactic for yourself.

It spoils your attitude towards the person and subconsciously influences your behavior.

4. Lack of communication.

Not just normal conversations, although that’s important too, but when you don’t tell each other something important, important details that can cause problems.

5. Stubbornness, refusal to compromise.

If everyone sticks to their own ways, there will be no relationship.

6. Quarrels over trifles, everyday issues.

Arguing over whose turn it is to do the dishes may not seem like a big deal right now, but it leaves a foul taste in the mouth and can escalate into a bigger fight with old sins being brought up.

7. Indulgence.

In a healthy relationship, there should be no inequality; partners should not assert themselves with each other, showing their contempt or greater importance. Condescending and dismissive attitudes affect a person’s self-esteem.

8. Staying in a relationship of convenience.

Simply because it is convenient for you, you don’t want to upset your parents, or because you have already planned a trip abroad, or you just don’t want to be alone.

9. Manipulations.

Often this happens so subtly that we don’t notice until it’s too late.

10. Jealousy.

The very suspicion, the obsession with the idea that you are being cheated on, can destroy a relationship.

11. Playing against yourself.

When at the beginning of a relationship you create a wonderful image for yourself, but then the person sees the real you and gets disappointed. And not because he is so bad, but because you deceived him into something serious.

11 Actions That Are Actually Worse Than Cheating.
11 Actions That Are Actually Worse Than Cheating.

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