Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, and for sure you’ve already come across a myriad of events dedicated to couples to be held on this occasion. Restaurants, movie theaters, concerts, and even convenience stores have their own “special packages” offered to couples young and old. But what if you are single? How do you intend to spend this so-called “Day of Hearts”?
There’s no need to fret though, as even if you’re single and unattached, there are still a lot of smart and fun things that you can do on Valentine’s Day that can be totally memorable and meaningful. All it takes is an open mind and an open heart.
Here are 21 of them:
1. Join speed dating events.
You know the best thing about being single? It’s that you can always mingle! Go and get yourself a date right on Valentine’s Day by joining a speed dating event! A lot of these events are being held in bars and clubs so why not sign up? Who knows, Valentine’s Day is full of surprises, anyway!
2. Have dinner with family.
The Day of Hearts is not solely intended to celebrate romantic love, but love of all forms. It might be just right to take the family out for dinner and enjoy an evening cherishing your love for each other.
3. Watch a concert with friends.
Do you happen to have friends who are also single and have nothing to do on February 14? Then get yourselves tickets to a concert you like. You may not have partners on that day but getting to spend the night together watching a band or musician you love is still time worth spending!
4. Spend a perfect day with your cat or dog.
Valentine’s day is not only for humans – it’s for everyone who deserves your love too. Whether you have a loyal dog, a cuddly cat or even a guinea pig, the day of hearts can be a great opportunity to show them how grateful you are for having them in your life. Enjoy the day playing, eating, and even sleeping beside them. They will also help you get rid of stress, sadness, and loneliness.
5. Have a movie marathon –with your onscreen love.
Got no date? Then binge watch on Leonardo DiCaprio, Keannu Reeves, Brad Pitt –or whoever your celebrity crush is. No real date can tantamount to the love these guys can bring to you, right?
Extra tip: Titanic for the Nth time, anyone?
6. Take advantage of the holiday sale.
Malls and department stores offer a lot of discounts during Valentine’s Day, so why not do some retail therapy on that day? You have a great reason to spend on that day, anyway. After all, you’re single and it’s your rules and your style that matters.
7. Do a Santa-like gift exchange with single friends.
Rather than gathering up for a pity party, why not arrange an exchange gift event with your single friends, like you do during Christmas. It would be nice to give and receive a present not necessarily from a romantic partner, but from friends you hold dear to your heart.
8. Pamper yourself.
Most couples are out on dates and dinners, so you can expect spas and salons to be empty during Valentine’s Day. That would be definitely the perfect time for pampering, don’t you think?
9. Watch a stand-up comedy gig.
Laugh out the night! Catch your favorite stand-up comedian on Valentine’s Day! Tag your friends along so you all have a truly enjoyable night filled with total unadulterated entertainment and forget that you’re actually single on this day.
10. Do a quick out-of-town trip.
If you have nothing to do on Valentine’s Day and want to get out of the hurly-burly of the city life, then pack your bags and go on a quick trip to the beach or to a nearby hiking ground. Have Mother Nature as your date for a change!
11. Get lost in a day tour.
Meanwhile, if you only have Valentine’s Day itself and cannot go out of town, then why not get lost in the metropolis instead? Visit a park, a historical landmark, or a museum and spend the day exploring what they have to offer. You’ve been itching to go to these place, admit it.
12. Do a digital detox.
Expect a Valentine-themed storm of feeds on your social media accounts by February 14, and the best way to combat that is by unplugging yourself from all networks, at least on that particular day. You may want to deactivate your accounts, or at least log out from them so you can enjoy life without the social media stress –at least until you decide to become active on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram again.
13. Hit the gym.
People are busy going out on dates on February 14, and at the same time nobody cares about getting fit on that day. Have the gym for yourself, then!
14. Do that “Netflix and chill” thing you’ve been dying to do.
Do you feel like you’re not getting the most of your Netflix subscription? Then on declare Valentine’s Day as your Netflix and Chill day! Grab the chips and start catching up with your favorite movies and TV shows from dawn to dusk!
15. Host a house party with your single friends.
If you and your friends happen to be home buddies and have nothing to do on February 14, then why not chip for some food and drinks and have a mini party right at your very own place? You can play games, blast the music you like, and even go on a binge watching spree together!
16. Take advantage of couple’s deals with your BFF.
On Valentine’s Day you can expect a lot of special offers for couples, and you might just want to take advantage of this with your BFF. Why not have fancy dinner together, or avail of couple’s promos in your favorite hangout? That’s practically the best date ever because you’re with your BFF!
17. Get a makeover.
Don’t you think it’s time for a new look this Valentine’s Day? Then head to a salon and have your hair and skin done! Salons have special Valentine discounts that you can avail of, and who knows –you’d be able to make heads turn once you’re done with your makeover!
18. Exercise your kitchen skills.
Been craving to try out a special recipe but can’t find an occasion to do so? Then Valentine’s Day might just be the perfect time to do that. Unleash your inner Gordon or your inner Nigella by taking charge of the kitchen! Prepare that dish you’ve so been wanting to make and serve it to your family and friends.
19. Grab a book to read.
If you’re not feeling the vibe to go out and just want to stay home and snuggle in bed, then better grab a book to read. Reading takes you places, and yes, it also makes you fall in love –with life in general.
20. Go on a date –with yourself.
Valentine’s is all about love, and that includes self-love. Why not give yourself a special treat by doing something you cannot share with someone else. Some people go to the movies on the own, others have dinner by themselves, and there are also those who take a crash course on a subject they like. Whatever works, really, as long as you get to enjoy the day with no one else but yourself.
21. Go to church and say your prayers.
Perhaps Valentine’s Day is also a day to be thankful for having been given the life to celebrate. You may want to visit a place of worship to say your prayers and reflect on life and its atrocities. And yes, for Christians, Ash Wednesday 2018 falls on February 14, so you better save the date as well.
There really is no need to wallow in self-pity just because you are single on Valentine’s Day. Rather, it would be way better if you just enjoy the day and celebrate, because after all, it’s the day of love and all of its forms. Besides, why be a scrooge when there’s a lot to take advantage of on February 14, right?