The first six months of a relationship could be considered the most crucial time. This is when you find out if you two really get along, if you like each other more than you simply like being able to say that you have a boyfriend or girlfriend, and if you’re compatible in the long run.
For many couples, while their relationship is still fun and enjoyable after they pass the six-month mark, this is when it’s time to think seriously about whether this is going somewhere. While a break-up is never something that someone wants to go through, it’s easier to realize now that you’re not right for each other (or at least it’s easier than dating for five years and then splitting up). It’s nice to know that you have found the person that you’re going to spend the rest of your life with.
There are some ways to tell within the first six months of your relationship if your love story will have an amazing ending… and there are some signs that things just aren’t going to work out. If these 10 things happen during the first six months, you can be confident that this is real love, but if these other 10 things happen, it’s time to find someone else.
20It Will Work: You’re On The Same Page About Every Relationship Milestone
Couples need to be in sync in terms of when to make the relationship official, when they feel that it’s best to meet each other’s families, and when they start spending more time together than just two dates a week.
When you and your boyfriend are on the same page about every relationship milestone, it’s a really good sign that things are going to work out.
When one of you brings something up, the other one’s response is always “I agree, I was thinking the same thing and I was about to bring it up.” This proves that you two are meant to be a couple and that you are right for each other.
19It Won’t Work: You Put Pressure On Him About Kids Or Marriage
It’s good to know that you aren’t wasting your time with someone who never wants to marry you or commit to you. At the same time, if you’re pressuring your boyfriend to get married and start a family when you’ve only been a couple for six months, that’s honestly way too soon.
He’s not going to love hearing this from you right now, and even if he does think that he would be interested in those things (but in the future, just not right now), he won’t like being pressured. This is only going to lead to tension and fights, not the love story that you’re expecting.
18It Will Work: You Spend Most Of Your Time Together
While some people like to act the same as they did when they were single, for the most part, when you’re in a relationship, you spend a lot of time with that person. You get along well, you obviously love each other, and you want to grow closer and feel really good about things.
When you two are spending the majority of your time together and it’s within the six-month mark, that’s a great sign that things are going to work out.
You are compatible and both want the same thing: to feel connected to each other on a regular basis and hang out all of the time. That’s good news for your future, especially if you’re thinking marriage since married couples do tend to see each other a lot.
17It Won’t Work: You Still Haven’t Introduced Him To Your Family And Friends (Or Vice Versa)
There is no set time that you have to introduce your boyfriend to your friends and your parents and siblings (or not, of course, if you’re an only child). However, you would want to do that before you have been a couple for six months.
When this doesn’t happen, it spells trouble, and it bodes the question, “Why not?” Maybe your boyfriend hasn’t been interested in meeting your family and friends and he’s the one who has been reluctant. Or perhaps you’re the one pushing it off because you’re not actually sure that this guy is the one for you. It’s a good idea to think about this.
16It Will Work: You Haven’t Forgotten Your Friends Or The Things That You Love
Most girls do this thing with their first love that is almost too easy to do: make everything about their boyfriend, talk about him 24/7, try to see him all the time, and forget who they were before the relationship. They don’t do the things that they used to and forget about any hobbies or interests.
That’s not you. You haven’t forgotten the things that you love and you’re still doing what you were before.
The only difference? Now you have an amazing person in your life who cares about you and who you care about, and you two are having a great time together.
You still see your friends as often as you can, too, which is awesome.
15It Won’t Work: You Have Moved On From The So-Called Honeymoon Phase And Now Fight A Lot
You might believe that every relationship goes through the “honeymoon phase” where you two are nuts about each other for the first few months and then things get real and you see problems that didn’t seem to exist before. Or maybe you don’t think that this is a real thing.
Either way, you know what it feels like when you and your boyfriend aren’t seeing eye to eye. You no longer act super happy to see each other after a day of work, you’re fighting more than you did before (or you never argued before and now you are all the time), and something doesn’t feel right.
14It Will Work: You’ve Moved In Together Or Are Talking About It
Couples should definitely move in together when they feel like the time is right, whether it’s six months or even less time, or two years. It’s a totally personal decision.
You can be sure that things will continue in this great, happy direction when you’ve been dating someone for six months and you’re either planning to cohabitate or are talking about it.
Maybe you can’t get out of your leases so you’ll move in together in a few months’ time, but even that counts since you’re getting the ball rolling.
It’s great to know that you two are thinking about the future in the same way and making plans.
13It Won’t Work: You Only Talk About Him When You Hang Out With Friends
The last thing that girls want to hear when they hang out with their friends is how obsessed they are with their boyfriend. It’s pretty much the most annoying thing ever.
Are you that girl who can’t stop talking about your boyfriend? Are you constantly dropping his name into conversations and acting like you have a perfect relationship? When you do this, it seems like you’re insecure and covering up the fact that you’re not sure that this is the right person for you to be seeing. It’s not healthy to be that into the person that you’re dating. You need to have a separate life, too, or it’s just not sustainable.
12It Will Work: You’ve Helped Each Other Through Some Hard Times
It’s safe to say that many relationships could work out if each person was always happy, always successful, and never experienced any tough times. Of course, that’s not only unrealistic, that’s just not the way that life is.
Everyone has struggled at different times.
Have you and your boyfriend each gone through something difficult during the first six months of your relationship and helped each other? Have you been compassionate and felt more in love than ever? There is a really good chance that this means you two are really meant for each other and that your relationship will only continue in this awesome direction.
11It Won’t Work: You Never Want Him To See Anyone Else (Or He Does That To You)
Being in love is great and all, but you need other relationships, too. You have to keep hanging out with your friends and making time to see your relatives even when you’re in a new relationship. It’s not fair to ignore them and freeze them out when they have always loved you and been there for you. You wouldn’t want your best friend to ignore you just because she got a new boyfriend.
If you don’t let your boyfriend see his friends because you want him to see you all the time, or he does that to you, it’s not healthy and it’s not going to work out between you two. This is really negative behavior.
10It Will Work: You’re Considered Part Of Each Other’s Families
You spend holidays together, you see each other’s families as often as you can depending on where everyone lives, and you are considered a part of each other’s families.
You all like each other and think that this relationship is the best thing for the both of you.
It’s not only amazing that you’re lucky enough to get along with your boyfriend’s family, it’s good news for the future of your relationship. After all, everyone wants this scenario, and everyone wants to get married and continue to be part of each other’s families and celebrate the good things that happen in life together.
9It Won’t Work: He Won’t Call You His Girlfriend
The most important thing when you’ve been dating a new guy for a little while is whether he calls you his girlfriend. First, you have the talk where you say that you want to make things official, and you don’t want either one of you to date anyone else. Then you let the people in your life know that you two are officially a couple.
The fact is that when he won’t call you his girlfriend and it’s been six months, that’s a bad sign. That would be true if it had been there months, honestly, because you don’t have time to waste and you need to be with a guy who is really happy and who appreciates how great you are.
8It Will Work: He Invites You To Everything That He’s Invited To
Being in a relationship definitely means bringing your partner with you to anything that you get invited to. Whether your college friends are having a bash, or it’s your annual family Christmas party, or your new friend from barre class is having a birthday thing, you want to be able to bring the person that you’re dating.
And when he gets invites, he should ask if you want to join him, too.
You can be sure that things will work out in the relationship when you invite each other to things that you’re asked to attend. It shows that you respect each other, want to hang out with each other a lot and love experiencing social events with the other person.
7It Won’t Work: He Says He Never Moves In With Anyone
Hearing your boyfriend say that he never moves in with anyone that he dates isn’t the best news ever. It’s easy to tell yourself that it doesn’t matter because it’s only been six months and you’re not ready to live together yet.
However, in a few more months’ time, you might change your mind, and the truth is that he will most likely still feel the same way. When he tells you that he doesn’t move in with girlfriends, he’s basically saying that he doesn’t want to commit too much and that he doesn’t want a future with you. It might seem harsh but this is what he’s saying. Otherwise, he would love to talk about living together.
6It Will Work: He Is Just As Super Sweet As He Was In The Beginning
He’s still trying to impress you even though it’s been six months and things are official. He still sends those text messages that you absolutely love getting.
He still is super polite to your parents and asks your sister how college is going (and remembers the class that is giving her some trouble… every single time that he sees her).
It’s awesome that he is just as sweet as he was when you first started dating each other. There’s no reason why he won’t continue to treat you with love and respect as you get even more serious. It’s so great to know that you have finally found a great guy.
5It Won’t Work: You’re Not Convinced That He’s Serious About You
Some couples get engaged after a year and others wait several years, so there are no rules about timeframes for getting serious, and yet it’s safe to say that within six months, you should know how someone feels about you.
Has it been six months and you’re still not sure how this guy feels about you and whether he’s serious about you and the relationship? Things aren’t going to work out between the two of you when it’s been this amount of time and you’re still not convinced that he’s interested in committing fully. You should be with someone who knows much sooner that you’re the one for him.
4It Will Work: You Feel Like You’ve Never Been So Happy And He Agrees
How do you want to feel when you’re with the right guy, the one that you’re going to call your person? You want to be happier than you ever have before, right?
Not only that, but when you share this with your boyfriend, you definitely want him to say that he feels the exact same way.
If this happens, then you can both say that you have found the person who you are meant to be with.
Feeling this certain within the first six months of the relationship is really good news. You feel so good being with this person and you don’t have any doubts.
3It Won’t Work: Either One Of You Is Still Thinking About Or Talking To An Ex
By the six month point of a relationship, you should have forgotten anyone that you ever dated before. Your boyfriend should feel the same way. You should only have eyes for each other and only think about each other, and because you’re so in love, you feel like you’ve always been together. It’s crazy to you that you’ve only been a thing for six months. It feels like six years.
If you or your boyfriend is still hung up on the last person that you dated (or even a few people before that if it’s an ex from a long time ago), you can be sure that your relationship isn’t going to work out. This absolutely shouldn’t be happening. It’s proof that you’re not right for each other.
2It Will Work: You’ve Gone On At Least One Trip Together
Whether you and your boyfriend adore travel or only one of you has the bug to see new places, it’s a good idea to go at least one place during the first six months of your relationship. It teaches you how you would travel together once you get more serious and go more places together.
It shows you if he’s patient and kind when things go wrong and don’t go according to plan since no trip is ever 100 percent perfect.
The fact that you two have gone on at least one trip during this time frame proves that your love is going to continue to grow and things will work out.
1It Won’t Work: You Have Even The Faintest Feeling That You Settled
Being with the right guy means you would never think that you settled.
If you do wonder about this, even if you tell yourself “Oh no, I’m wrong, I’m not settling, it’s all fine,” you’re just pretending. You would never think this way if this was the person that you were super sure you were supposed to be dating. If you have even a faint thought that you might settle if you continue to date this guy, then you know that it’s time to leave him behind and find someone who you don’t feel like you will be settling with.