Why anyone would want to wear a diaper beyond the age of four years old is probably a mystery to most, but to those with a diaper fetish, it’s simply a way of life.
A diaper fetish means you are an adult who wears diapers socially or as a form of s*xual gratification. According to Psychology Today, most diaper lovers are males in their late 30s. If you’ve ever heard about having a diaper fetish, your first reaction was to wash your hands of the issue and call it a day. But, what if you’re dating that person?
If you are dating someone, or have a friend who is into the diaper fetish, you’re probably looking up every article you can to learn more about their particular s*xual preference and what it means. Well, look no further. We’re discussing everything you ever wanted to know about someone with a diaper fetish.
What is a diaper fetish?
If you’re thinking a diaper fetish is purely s*xual, you’re about to be wrong. The real question is, does that make the fetish more normal… or even stranger?
Diaper fetishes usually fall into one of two categories. Either you’re a Diaper Lover, a community of fetishists who enjoy wearing and using diapers, or you’re engaging in autonepiophilia, slanged “Adult Babies.”
As the name implies, adult babies like to engage in childlike behavior. This could include wearing a diaper, sucking a binky, playing with baby toys, and acting like a baby. Diaper lovers do not engage in childlike behavior.
Feelings experienced by diaper fetishists when wearing adult diapers can’t be pinned to one stereotype. Where one fetishist may experience comfort from wearing a diaper, another may feel arousal of a s*xual nature. It really varies from person to person.
Facets of a Diaper Fetish
There are many facets of a diaper fetish that you may not be aware of. If you think diaper lovers simply enjoy *wearing* diapers, you’re way off. Here are some of the common sub-fetishes of the diaper lover community.
#1 Going out in public in a diaper. Some enjoy the thrill of going out in public with their diaper on under their regular clothes. Some say it’s like doing something naughty and wrong, while others simply like the feeling of getting away with wetting themselves publicly unbeknownst to their friends and colleagues.
#2 The sounds a diaper makes. The crinkling and puffing noises created when moving around in a diaper is stated as both a turn on and a comforting aspect of this particular fetish by diaper lovers.
#3 Wetting your diaper. Peeing or “wetting” one’s self while in a diaper seems to be a huge turn on for the diaper fetish community. Some simply wet the diaper with water, while others prefer the au natural method of urinating themselves until the diaper is soaked. Whichever method chosen, diaper fetishists enjoy the feel of sitting in a soaking wet diaper.
#4 Defecating. We wish it wasn’t true… but it is. When diaper lovers use their diaper, they really use it to the full. Some diaper fetishists enjoy going number two in their diapers and then derive pleasure from… well, sitting in it. Having your diaper changed by a partner can also be a turn on for many in the diaper lover community.
#5 Watching other people in diapers. It doesn’t matter which gender you’re attracted to, most with a diaper fetish like to look at pictures or pornography featuring anyone wearing a diaper. Some like to watch people messing themselves, while other enjoy the humiliation aspect of the fetish. Either way, those who enjoy a good diaper fetish also enjoy looking at media of other adults in diapers.
#6 Worn for comfort. Others in the diaper fetish community simply choose to wear diapers because they are more comfortable than regular underwear. This is often the case for those who have dealt with legitimate incontinence in their lives.
#7 Masturbating to a diaper fetish. You knew this one was coming, right? *No pun intended* Yes, it’s true, some individuals derive naughty thoughts from looking at pictures of other adults in diapers or from being in a diaper themselves. Others engage in s*xual activity with a partner and use their diaper as foreplay or during s*x.
#8 Diaper clubs. Some communities do exist out there where diaper lovers gather to wear their diapers and perform daily tasks together. That’s right, they’re not sitting around masturbating each other, they’re simply sitting around watching movies and eating mac and cheese in their diapers. What the…?
#9 Psychological issues. Many diaper lovers have this fetish not because they are attracted to children, but because of something that happened to them in their past. Those who deal with incontinence, for example, may have grown to derive comfort from wearing adult diapers.
What to do when you know someone has a diaper fetish
The short answer? Nothing, really.
If your friend is revealing this personal preference to you, it’s best to smile, nod, and move on. Alright, alright! Be a good friend and give a listening ear. But unless you want to stare at their backside every time you see them wondering if that was the crinkle of a diaper you heard, it’s best to pretend you don’t know a thing.
If your significant other has a fetish like this, that’s a whole different ball game. Many diaper lovers are in committed relationships and have been upfront about their diaper passions. Listen to your partner and try to understand where they’re coming from. It’s likely they may feel shame associated with their fetish, so try not to make them feel even worse about themselves.