Zodiac Sign

Zodiac Signs Most Prone To Depression

Zodiac signs that are most prone to depression.
Cancer often falls into depression, Gemini—rarely, Libra—easily copes with it. Aries is a fighter by nature, so depression is something strange and unprecedented for him. Leo is only overcome by depression when there is no sun. For Virgo, depression is almost a second job. Well, Sagittarius generally jokes and laughs, even being deeply depressed…

Zodiac Signs Most Prone to Depression


You are famous for your optimism and quickly forget everything bad that happens in life. You get back on your feet, gather your will into a fist, and continue on your way even after the strongest storms and hurricanes. Nothing and no one can stop you or break you! You will not let depression into your life easily and simply. For this, something out of the ordinary is necessary, but with time you will successfully cope with this too.

If you do fall into a state of depression, you prefer to “drown” it in alcohol, but this also gets boring very quickly. In your opinion, the best cure for depression is to get out of depression. And you know how to do it like no one else. Aries is a fighter by nature and is unlikely to allow any suffering to defeat him.


You have your feet firmly on the ground, so there is little that can upset you dramatically and for a long time. You are strong and persistent, and do not allow anyone to disturb your stability. You avoid situations and people that cause anxiety and can knock the ground out from under your feet.

However, you easily become depressed if you are forced to make major changes in your life because you are conservative and not flexible enough. As soon as you feel that the ground is slipping from under your feet, you fall into a state of severe depression. At such moments, it is best to take a break and move as far away as possible from people who upset you. If things have gone too far, you may have to say goodbye to them forever.


You like to move, hang out, and communicate, so depression has no chance. I simply can’t catch up with you! An innate sense of humor and a knack for laughter, as well as curiosity, are the best cures for sadness and reflection. You know how to laugh at yourself and your fears like no one else.

However, since you try to do everything and everywhere, you often forget about your own needs and requirements: skip breakfast and lunch, eat unhealthy food, etc. Such a lifestyle cannot but affect your health. First of all, the nervous system suffers, which can lead to depression.


You are too sensitive, so you need solitude from time to time to heal your wounds in peace. Sometimes, however, this is not possible because negativity is overwhelming. And since you are rather closed and keep everything inside, depression is right there. Therefore, it is recommended to watch yourself very carefully so that you can leave in time when you feel that you are not able to cope with everything.

If you don’t do this, depression is guaranteed. So try to escape to nature whenever possible—this is the best medicine for you.


Every day is a new opportunity for success and achievements for you, but when this does not happen for a long time, even Leo can fall into depression. Failures, mistakes, blunders—all this contributes to a bad mood and the darkest thoughts. And then it is not far to depression.

You are very sensitive to the weather, so you feel bad in winter or cloudy weather. The fact is that Leo cannot live without the sun.

Your salvation from depression is a few sunny days or a vacation on the seashore in the hot summer. Just a few days—and the depression is gone. The more sun in your life, the happier, more confident, and irresistible you feel. So beware of clouds and gray days—they are your first enemies.


How can you get depressed when you have a ton of projects, tasks, and work? There simply shouldn’t be time for it. Virgo is so busy that she shouldn’t get depressed. However, it is precisely multitasking and endless work that causes her anxious thoughts and depression.

You should take care not only of your work and duties but also, first of all, of yourself. Fatigue is what destroys you and causes depression. So try not to overload yourself too much, because sooner or later you will collapse without strength.

Don’t forget that you are the only one with you, so take care of it and cherish it. As soon as you feel tired, take a rest. Don’t forget that you can’t do all the work anyway, and work, as we know, is not a wolf—it won’t run away into the forest.


Your natural tendency towards balance and harmony helps you avoid extremes and balance between them quite easily. Depression is nothing new to you, but you seem to cope with any form of it much easier than others. You enjoy pampering yourself and others, and you always look for the positive and bright in any situation.

When disharmony and discord begin to bother you, it is better to retire to restore strength and balance. Treat yourself to something pleasant or admire something beautiful that makes you happy.


Deep down, you despise your weaknesses, as well as the weaknesses of other people. That is why you always try to be strong and cope with any task, no matter how impossible it may seem. Outwardly, you are always cold and reserved, and besides, you control yourself very well. True, not always: when you are bothered, you can “bite.”.

Storms and hurricanes of the most contradictory feelings may rage inside you, but no one even notices it. However, if this state lasts for a long time, you may fall into depression, which you will not even suspect. Therefore, try to prevent such situations: pamper yourself with pleasant things and activities, and also stay away from people and situations that upset you.


You are always active and constantly on the move, so if problems are possible, they are only due to excessive optimism, not depression. Boredom and monotony are what drive you crazy and infuriate you. Try to treat any situation with humor and get out of it in the same way. Smile as often as possible—this is your salvation. It is important to occupy yourself with something new and unknown, which is the best preventative measure against depression. Expand your horizons, travel, dream, and achieve your goals.


You are very disciplined and responsible. Both at work and in the family, you take on more responsibilities than others. And completely voluntarily and without pretending to be a victim. Plus, you are often a parent to your parents. Constant anxiety and too many obligations are guaranteed stress. And long-term stress can lead you to depression, especially if there is chaos and confusion around.

To overcome this, you need to spend more time in nature and surround yourself with animals. Physical work, as well as creativity, are sources of energy to move forward.


You overreact to stressful situations, especially when things don’t go as planned. When you can’t solve a problem, despite all your efforts, you just withdraw into yourself and don’t talk to anyone. Depression and psychosomatic illnesses are often the result of unrealistic expectations and excessive demands on yourself.

It is important to feel in time that your “batteries” are running low. As soon as this happens, get away from people and closer to nature. Fresh air and gentle wind will dispel all your heavy thoughts.


You react very emotionally to situations that other people would not even pay attention to. And without any reflection and healthy logic. That is why you often become a victim of depression, which catches up every time your dreams and hopes are destroyed.

You can spend years in a state of apathy without any desire to move or go forward. It is very important not to be alone in moments when you are having a hard time. Choose friends who will support you and inspire you. Do what you love and do not lock yourself at home; this is your salvation from depression.

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