Zodiac Sign

You Won’t Get A Declaration Of Love From These Two Zodiac Signs

You won’t get a declaration of love from these two zodiac signs.
They show their love in completely different ways. Words are not as important to them as they are to others.

They seem cold and unfeeling, but this is only at first glance. And you should not be upset at all because those born under these zodiac signs cannot say “I love”you”—because they show their love in completely different ways.

You won’t get a confession of love from them.


Cold and arrogant—this is the first impression people born under this sign create. They seem like impregnable fortresses, but the thing is that when Capricorns are alone with their feelings, they can cry all night. Provided, of course, that they are alone in the house.

As soon as you destroy the wall they have built around themselves, another one appears, and so on ad infinitum. As soon as you decide to give in, you hurt their heart. And then you will understand that their feelings are very deep.

The fear of getting psychologically hurt is what prevents Capricorns from showing the emotions they prefer to hide deep inside themselves.

They would rather cut off their hand than tell someone that they love them and care about them. However, sometimes their mask falls off, and then you have a chance to break through this thick defense. But for this, you will need nerves of steel and hellish patience.


What Leo cannot overcome is vanity, which prevents him from opening up and showing his vulnerability to another person, even if he has known him all his life.

He will never admit that he is ashamed of anything. When communicating with him, you get the impression that you know much less about him than he knows about you. Next to Leo, you constantly feel like you are in limbo.

“Sorry” is a word he will hardly ever utter. Even if he realizes that he has made a mistake, he will never admit it—neither to himself nor to others. It is not a royal matter.

He is perfect in his worldview. You will have to tie Leo to a chair and pull out his teeth to make him say words that will express his true feelings.

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