
What Kind Of Women Do Men Like? A Sobering Article!

 What Kind Of Women Do Men Like? A Sobering Article!

The Myth of the “Real Woman”
“Men (in general) like women with smooth movements, feminine clothes, easy to communicate with, educated, but not those who are always being smart.” 

A man is decisive, courageous, brave, smart, logical, and moves this world forward, and a woman is sweet, charming, gentle, sexy, smart (but not smarter than a man), weaker in character than a man, and walks slightly behind a man, supporting him in everything and inspiring him to feats. A man takes care of and protects his woman, becoming a stone wall for her.

This is the image that is promoted in thousands of articles and videos, in most women’s trainings and relationship programs. This is what hundreds of thousands of women strive for, trying to change themselves and learn to be a “real woman.”

By the way, this is true.

What kind of women do men like? Most men like soft, gentle, obedient, silent, smart (but not too much), sexy women around. They will even ask them to marry, take them to the registry office, and create a family with them.

And then the man and woman enter a minefield. 

Side effects for women

1. The need to play a role

A woman can pretend to be quiet, silent, and obedient and lower her IQ so that a man thinks that he is smarter and cooler in all respects. But if she started playing this role at the beginning of the relationship, she would have to continue this performance further.

A woman who chooses to be a “slightly sweet fool” is doomed to remain in this role until the very end of the relationship. If she suddenly gets tired of playing the sweet fool or suddenly “slips up,” then big problems will inevitably arise in the relationship, and she will be quite reasonably suspected of lying.

Imagine that a vegetarian chose to eat meat at the very beginning of a relationship while being with a man, so as not to upset him and to be the best for him, and then she had to eat meat for all the years of their marriage.

Imagine what would happen to her husband if she suddenly confessed to him that she hated meat and ate it only so that the man would choose her and then not leave her. Can you imagine? There would be an epic scandal.

2. Loss of male interest

If a woman is not pretending or playing but is truly sweet, silent, gentle, obedient, and so on, then, with a very high probability, a man will sooner or later get tired of her.

He may even love her in his way, but he will either begin to feel burdened by her, or he will get himself a harsh and impudent mistress, or he will leave her altogether.

Why is that? He liked her! 

Yes, she did. And she was also convenient for him. She fit comfortably into his life, taking up a small niche in it, and… remained in that niche. Over the years, she became totally predictable for him and therefore boring.

If the man turned out to be strict, then he did not leave her and did not take a mistress, but he lost interest in her. And if the rules of his life were not so strict, then … I already wrote what would happen in this case.

3. “Erasing” a woman

Whether a woman played the role of a sweet and quiet companion or actually was one, one unpleasant thing will inevitably happen to her—she will begin to fade as a person. She will forget about her own desires, or stop believing that they will ever come true, or they will no longer be important to her.

She will adapt to a man so many times that she will lose her sense of herself. However, women most often notice this after a divorce, when they rush back and forth in confusion, trying to piece together the life they once had.

Side effects for men

1. Victim of manipulation

 When a woman takes a position behind a man, becoming his silent companion, she gets a great opportunity to start manipulating him. And this is exactly what is taught directly or indirectly in most women’s training.

“To inspire” a man, “to influence wisely,” and “to be his neck”—all these are beautiful synonyms for the word “to manipulate.”.

A man has minimal chances to resist manipulation if it is not done very crudely and clumsily. A man can only hope that these manipulations will give him bonuses too and that he will not be thrown to the side of life, deprived of money and property, but instead will be helped to become a multimillionaire and a world celebrity. But, as they say, young men are fed with hopes…

2. Degradation of personality

When a man lives year after year with a woman who makes him “always the king,” he risks getting stuck in the image of “the king of a small village” forever. Why grow, develop, mature, and change if he is already cooler than his wife? You can rest on your laurels and be happy with yourself.

But since a person can either develop or degrade, and it is impossible in principle to “fix” one’s place, then a man is threatened with degradation. And the most unpleasant outcome of this degradation is when he suddenly finds himself weaker and worse than the woman next to whom he has felt like a king for so long, in several respects.

Manipulation instead of sincerity and intimacy, the erasure of the female personality, and the degradation of the male personality are just some of the side effects of the “sweet, gentle, obedient woman next to a strong and intelligent man” scenario.

It is usually not seen (or does not want to be seen) by women who are frantically looking for a man, afraid of being left alone, or simply because “it’s time already; I’m 29.”

Almost everyone is sure that this will not happen to her and that she will have a life that is not like others—good and cloudless. When it dawns on her that everything went wrong, she is already married and, most often, with a child in her arms, and it is not at all easy to change anything.

Is there another option? Yes.  But it is only available to internally mature people, or you will have to grow up to realize it.

Creating relationships and families not according to strict gender patterns but based on the real desires, needs, and characteristics of men and women.

Sincerity and honesty in communication, and the willingness to see each other as they are. Note that I did not say “accept each other,” but only “see,” since few people usually reach real acceptance.

Having your own territory in life and respecting the territory of another person.

Turning on your own and not living according to the precepts of your mother, relatives, glossy magazines, and Internet gurus.

This is harder to do than to say, but it is quite possible to achieve.

Three first steps you can take:

1. Stop believing that if you are “sweet, gentle, feminine, and quiet,” then female happiness is guaranteed to you, and men will fight in the arena for the right to make you happy, and the winner will bring you this very happiness.

2. Remind yourself of who you are and build your life from this set of qualities and properties without trying to make yourself a “real woman.”.

3. Turn on your brain and start making choices in your life independently. And if you want to be a wild Amazon, a lonely wanderer, or a business lady, then so be it.

These are the kinds of women men like, and what do you think about this? Tell us in the comments.

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