
Why Men Need Mistresses. Column by an Experienced Kept Woman

Over the years, I’ve found myself in the unique position of being a confidante, companion, and secret keeper for several men. As an experienced woman, I’ve had the opportunity to glimpse into the private lives and emotions of these individuals. Through these experiences, I’ve come to understand some of the reasons why men seek companionship outside their primary relationships. It’s a complex and multifaceted issue, influenced by various emotional, psychological, and social factors.

The Desire for Emotional Connection

Many might assume that physical attraction is the primary driver behind extramarital affairs. However, in my experience, emotional needs often play a more significant role. Some men feel a lack of emotional intimacy in their marriages or long-term relationships. They crave understanding, appreciation, and a safe space to express their vulnerabilities without judgment.

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, couples can drift apart emotionally. Responsibilities such as careers, children, and financial pressures can take precedence, leaving little room for heartfelt conversations and emotional bonding. A mistress can provide that missing emotional connection, offering support, empathy, and genuine interest in their thoughts and feelings. This emotional fulfillment becomes a powerful draw, making them feel seen and valued in ways they may not experience elsewhere.

Escaping Routine and Monotony

Long-term relationships often fall into routines that, while comfortable, can become monotonous over time. The predictability of daily life can lead to a yearning for excitement and novelty. Engaging with a mistress introduces an element of adventure and spontaneity that breaks the mundane cycle.

These relationships often come with secret meetings, romantic gestures, and new experiences that reignite a sense of passion and youthfulness. The thrill of the forbidden and the excitement of getting to know someone new can be intoxicating, providing a temporary escape from everyday responsibilities and routines.

Reaffirming Masculinity and Self-Worth

Societal expectations and personal insecurities can influence a man’s sense of masculinity and self-worth. Success in various aspects of life, including romantic conquests, is often wrongly tied to one’s perception of being a “real man.” For some, having a mistress serves as a validation of their desirability and status.

These relationships can boost self-esteem, especially if they feel undervalued or unappreciated in their primary relationships or professional lives. The attention and admiration they receive from a mistress can reaffirm their confidence and sense of importance, providing an ego boost that impacts other areas of their lives positively.

Seeking Understanding and Shared Interests

In some cases, men connect with mistresses who share specific interests, hobbies, or worldviews that their primary partners do not. This shared understanding creates a strong bond and allows them to explore parts of their personality that may remain dormant in their everyday lives.

Whether it’s a passion for art, music, travel, or intellectual pursuits, finding someone who shares and appreciates these interests can be deeply fulfilling. It creates a space where they can fully express themselves and engage in activities that bring joy and satisfaction, fostering a profound and meaningful connection.

Coping with Personal and Marital Challenges

Life is filled with challenges, and not all individuals have healthy coping mechanisms to deal with stress, loss, or dissatisfaction. Some men turn to extramarital relationships as a way to cope with personal issues such as midlife crises, career setbacks, or marital conflicts.

A mistress can provide comfort, distraction, and a sense of support during difficult times. The relationship offers a refuge where they can momentarily forget their troubles and feel a sense of peace and happiness. However, it’s essential to recognize that this is often a temporary and unhealthy way to address deeper issues that may require more constructive solutions.

The Influence of Opportunity and Temptation

Sometimes, the presence of opportunity plays a significant role in the development of these relationships. Situations that bring people into close and frequent contact, such as workplaces or social circles, can lead to unexpected connections and attractions.

The temptation becomes harder to resist when there’s mutual attraction and availability. In these scenarios, the decision to engage in an affair may not stem from dissatisfaction but rather from succumbing to the allure of the moment. It’s a reminder of human fallibility and the complexities of navigating relationships and desires.

Reflections on Consequences and Morality

While exploring the reasons why men seek mistresses, it’s crucial to acknowledge the moral and emotional consequences of such relationships. Infidelity can lead to profound hurt, betrayal, and the breakdown of families. It involves deceit and can have long-lasting effects on all parties involved.

As someone who has been in this role, I understand that these relationships exist in a gray area filled with conflicting emotions and ethical dilemmas. Individuals need to reflect deeply on their actions and consider healthier ways to address their needs and challenges. Open communication, counseling, and personal introspection can often provide better paths toward fulfillment and resolution.


The reasons why men seek mistresses are varied and complex, rooted in emotional needs, desires for connection, and personal challenges. Understanding these motivations requires empathy and a recognition of human complexity. However, it’s equally important to consider the implications and strive toward relationships built on honesty, respect, and open communication. Navigating the intricacies of human relationships is never easy, but seeking understanding and healthier solutions can lead to more fulfilling and ethical outcomes for everyone involved.

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