
6 Texts To Send A Guy To Make Him Totally Into You!

Sure! Here are six text messages you can send to a guy to make him totally into you. Each one is crafted to show interest, build connection, and spark his curiosity, making him think about you even more. Let’s dive into each text with easy wording and long details.

1. The Playful Tease

“Guess what? I just saw something that reminded me of you, and it made me smile ”

This text is great because it’s light, fun, and keeps things playful. It shows that you’re thinking about him without being too obvious. It also creates a sense of mystery—he’ll be curious to know what reminded you of him and why it made you smile. This gives him a reason to respond and keeps the conversation going. Plus, everyone loves knowing they made someone smile!

2. The Shared Memory

“Remember that time we [insert fun memory]? I can’t stop laughing about it!”

Bringing up a shared memory is a powerful way to connect. It shows that you value the time you’ve spent together and that those moments were meaningful to you. By choosing a fun or light-hearted memory, you’re also associating yourself with positive emotions, which can make him more drawn to you. It’s like saying, “I enjoy being around you,” without actually saying it.

3. The Genuine Compliment

“I love how you always know how to make me laugh. You’ve got such a great sense of humor!”

Compliments go a long way, especially when they’re genuine and specific. By telling him what you appreciate about him, you’re not only boosting his confidence but also showing that you pay attention to who he is as a person. Mentioning his sense of humor is a great choice because it’s a quality many people value, and it suggests that you enjoy your time together. Compliments like this make him feel good about himself and associate those good feelings with you.

4. The Invitation

“I’ve been thinking, we should check out that new [restaurant, coffee shop, park, etc.] together. What do you think?”

Inviting him to do something together is a clear and confident way of showing your interest. It suggests that you enjoy his company and would like to spend more time with him. By being specific about the place or activity, you make it easier for him to imagine the two of you together, making it more likely that he’ll say yes. Plus, planning future outings hints that you see the potential for more time together, which can make him think about where your relationship might be headed.

5. The Personal Interest

“So, tell me more about that [hobby, project, interest] you mentioned. It sounds cool!”

Showing interest in his hobbies or passions is a great way to make a guy feel appreciated and understood. This text lets him know that you’re not just interested in surface-level interactions; you want to get to know him on a deeper level. By asking about something he cares about, you’re giving him a chance to talk about himself, which people naturally enjoy. It’s also a way of showing that you’re supportive of his interests, which can make him feel closer to you.

6. The Subtle Flirt

“I had a dream about you last night… ”

This text is playful and slightly mysterious, making it perfect for flirting. It’s just vague enough to make him curious, and it invites him to ask more questions, keeping the conversation engaging. The wink emoji adds a touch of humor and flirtation, suggesting that there might be more to the dream than you’re letting on. This kind of playful teasing can create a fun, light-hearted atmosphere and keep him interested in what you have to say.

These texts are designed to keep the conversation flowing, show genuine interest, and build a connection that makes him think about you more and more. By mixing playfulness with sincerity, you can keep things exciting and deepen your relationship at the same time.

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